Pow! Radical new methods for reaching jaded, cynical
Put simply, when it comes to your business, your new idea, even
yourself, this book can be the difference between a ‘Who cares?’
and a ‘Holy cow!’
Business, both big and small, is in desperate need of new ways
to inspire bored and cynical consumers who have grown weary of the
same old song and dance. In today’s information economy, it
doesn’t matter how many people you reach, but how much
attention they pay. And the best way to get attention is with the
powerful, but largely misunderstood, element of surprise.
Pow! Enter Andy Nulman with the art of surprise marketing. An
explosive new outlook, surprise marketing solidifies the bond
between you and your customers like nothing else, and keeps them
coming back for more by providing a continuous flow of what they
never expected. Pow! Right Between the Eyes reveals the
secrets, theories, and tactics of surprise marketing, and wields
outrageous real-world examples (and even more outrageous tools like
‘The Lubricant to Yes’ and ‘Euphoric Shock’) to help expand the
boundaries of the extreme and create a bigger bang for bigger
On his quest to unlock the secret of why some things knock your
socks off and others put you to sleep, Nulman shares insights from
director Alfred Hitchcock, designer Philippe Starck, playwright
David Mamet, Family Guy creator Seth Mc Farlane, Harvard
psychologists, songwriters, bloggers, and even the inventor of
Pirate Booty snack chips. And he shows how today’s smartest
companies are winning big with surprises stories like:
* How Oprah’s shocking announcement that ‘Everybody
gets a car!’ sent her Web site traffic up 800% and helped the
Pontiac G6 outsell its competitors by 20%
* How Target earns $7 billion a year in free publicity
with stunts like a floating temporary store in New York’s
Hudson River or putting on a vertical fashion show where acrobat
models walked down the side of Rockefeller Center
* How Bear Naked Granola reversed the trick-or-treat
tradition by sending costumed street teams door-to-door to give
away granola samples on Halloween
Andy Nulman is a wildly-successful businessman and even wilder
public speaker who first learned the power of surprise working with
Jay Leno, Jerry Seinfeld, Jim Carrey, and many other comedians as
the cofounder and CEO of the Just For Laughs Festival, the
world’s largest comedy event. His book shares hilarious and
effective surprise promotions that he himself dreamed up for the
event and in his current position as cofounder, President, and CMO
of Airborne Mobile, which brings brands like Maxim,
Family Guy, and the NFL to the mobile media world.
Don’t forget to read the book’s two forewords by the
legendary John Cleese and CBS Late Late Show host Craig
Ferguson. Surprising choices for a business book? Well…what
did you expect?
Mục lục
Foreword John Cleese.
Foreword Craig Ferguson.
10 Rather Surprising Things You Should Know About Me.
Prologue Surprise Drives It Home.
Chapter 1 Why Surprise Is Crucial.
Chapter 2 What Is This Thing Called Surprise?
Chapter 3 What Surprise Ain’t.
Chapter 4 All Powerful? Almighty? Almost: The Surprising
Surprise Conundrum.
Chapter 5 Shock 101.
Chapter 6 Let’s Hear It for the Surprise Theory
Chapter 7 The Art of the Business of Creating Surprise.
Chapter 8 The Tomorrow of Surprise.
Epilogue A Diploma in Surprise.
The End of Pow!
Afterword David Allen.
About the Author.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
In industries ranging from hi-tech to show business, Andy
Nulman has been making people gasp and leaving them pop-eyed
and open-mouthed for over three decades. A surprise marketer before
the term even existed, he has parlayed his hands-on expertise and
continuous research of the genre into this book. A renowned speaker
and corporate showman, Andy is celebrated for his unique outlook on
the world–and unique look of his wardrobe–and for
marching off the beaten path to the beat of his own drum.
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