Practices of comparing shape how we perceive, organize, and change the world. Supposedly innocent, practices of comparing play a decisive role in forming categories, boundaries, and hierarchies; but they can also give an impetus to question and change such structures. Like almost no other human practice, comparing pervades all social, political, economic, and cultural spheres. This volume outlines the program of a new research agenda that places comparative practices at the center of an interdisciplinary exploration. Its contributions combine case studies with overarching systematic considerations. They show what insights can be gained and which further questions arise when one makes a seemingly trivial practice – comparing – the subject of in-depth research.
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Johannes Grave (Prof. Dr.), geb. 1976, lehrt Neuere Kunstgeschichte an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und ist Projektleiter im Sonderforschungsbereich »Praktiken des Vergleichens«. Für seine Forschungen zur Kunst um 1800, zur Frührenaissance sowie zu bildtheoretischen Fragen wurde er 2020 mit dem Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis ausgezeichnet.