安 川赫 早期是在银行和金融企业担任高职,曾在普华永道担任过独立顾问,后来在一家大型国际银行的附属子公司担任首席执行官。
安·川赫 (Ann Treherne) 是爱丁堡亚瑟柯南道尔爵士活动中心的创始人,该活动中心是苏格兰众人皆知的首屈一指的慈善福祉中心,也是灵媒培训和发展以及意念和超心灵学研究基地和卓越的活动中心。
这部书讲述了她如何与丈夫音 (Iain) 一起将一座废弃的建筑改造成了今天众人瞩目的宏伟大楼。本书还讲述了她是如何花费十年的时间,使得活动中心取得如此令人欣慰的成就,以及她一路走来,在这条路上遇到的各种奇异现象。这就是本书的故事!
Mục lục
前⾔ ix
本书介绍 xiii
1. 第⼀章 – 楼道上的 ⼈ 1
2. 第⼆章 – 是玩游戏还是捉迷藏? 7
3. 第三章 – ⾃愿⼯作者 17
4. 第四章 – 我们开门了 21
5. 第五章 – ⼩提琴 29
6. 第六章 – ⾳的经历 33
7. 第七章 – 安的经历 39
8. 第⼋章 – 其他⼈的经验 55
9. 第九章 – 书归正传 79
10. 第⼗章 – ⽩⿅酒家 97
11. 第⼗⼀章 – Mc Ewan’s牌啤酒最好 105
12. 第⼗⼆章 – 漩涡 115
13. 第⼗三章 – 哪⾥有邪恶 127
14. 第⼗四章 – ⼩组 145
15. 第⼗五章 – 众⼈⼊-亚瑟出 153
16. 第⼗六章 – 到时候了 187
17. 第⼗七章 – 第⼆阶段 199
18. 第⼗⼋章 – 科学家 221
19. 第⼗九章 – 意识 237
20. 第⼆⼗章 – 继续前⾏ 245
Giới thiệu về tác giả
李荣荣简介李荣荣英籍华⼈,出⽣于中国北⽅冰城哈尔滨。从⼩就热爱⽂学与⾳乐,尤其喜好弹琵琶和远⾜。随同任律师的丈夫在⾹港⼯作⽣活多年以后返回美丽的苏格兰乡间,欣赏⼤⾃然之美,感悟⼈⽣的真实本意。在⼤学任教期间,著有《⼆⼿夫⼈》和《死亡沙滩》两部由台湾秀威出版社出版的⼩说。丈夫海德是⾹港考古学会的终⽣会员和英国苏格兰⼼灵调研协会委员。随之,结识了英国著名通灵媒体安川赫以后,主动提出为她的著作翻译成中⽂,以弘扬其书中本意,唤醒更多众⼈。因为意识到了从⽣活经历中学习到了所有的⼀切都是为了给安的著作翻译做了准备的,⽽在翻译的过程中,又学习到更多、同时也验证了⾃⼰的经历。学, 如逆⽔⾏⾈……, 学也永⽆⽌境,感激有这个机会,渴望安 川赫的第三部更精彩的书早⽇与读者见Li. Rongrong was born in Harbin, North-East China. She came to Britain in 1987; worked in Manchester Chinese Arts Centre, as Art Officer under the City Council Management. In 1993 she married and followed her husband to work and live in Hong Kong (her husband was a British Lawyers working for the Hong Kong Government). In 1997 they returned to his homeland, Scotland to enjoy family life in the beautiful nature of Scotland. During her part time teaching in Strathclyde University, she wrote two books. They are < The Second hand Wife> and < Death on the Beach>. Both bookds published in Showei Tai Wan Publisher. Her husband is a life long term member with Hongkong Archaeological Society, he is also a member of SSPR. Via her husband, Rong Rong met Ann Trehern, the famous British Medium. Rong Rong offered to translate Ann’s books into Chinese to widely promte the origianl meaning of her books and awaken more people. Because of her awareness of learning from her own life experiences, at this point, everything she has been taught is prepared for the translation of Ann’s works and during the translation process, Rong Rong learned more and verified her own experiences. Learning like a boat sailing against waves… there is no end to learning. She is grateful for this opportunity and she hopes Ann’s third book will be soon to meet her readers with more exciting stories.