Tác giả: Anne Montenach

Ủng hộ
Markus A. Denzel, Universität Leipzig

10 Ebooks bởi Anne Montenach

Anne (University of Aix-Marseille III, Marseille, France) Montenach & Deborah (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Simonton: Female Agency in the Urban Economy
This innovative new book is overtly and explicitly about female agency in eighteenth-century European towns. However, it positions female activity and decisions unequivocally in an urban world of ins …
Anne (University of Aix-Marseille III, Marseille, France) Montenach & Deborah (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Simonton: Female Agency in the Urban Economy
This innovative new book is overtly and explicitly about female agency in eighteenth-century European towns. However, it positions female activity and decisions unequivocally in an urban world of ins …
Marjo Kaartinen & Anne Montenach: Luxury and Gender in European Towns, 1700-1914
This book conceives the role of the modern town as a crucial place for material and cultural circulations of luxury. It concentrates on a critical period of historical change, the long eighteenth and …
Marjo Kaartinen & Anne Montenach: Luxury and Gender in European Towns, 1700-1914
This book conceives the role of the modern town as a crucial place for material and cultural circulations of luxury. It concentrates on a critical period of historical change, the long eighteenth and …
Markus A. Denzel & Andrea Bonoldi: Oeconomia Alpium I: Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Alpenraums in vorindustrieller Zeit.
Der erste Tagungsband zum Handbuch zur Geschichte der Ökonomie des Alpenraums in präindustrieller Zeit schließt die Lücke einer raumübergreifenden Synopse der alpenländischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. R …
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Andrea Bonoldi & Markus A. Denzel: Oeconomia Alpium I: Wirtschaftsgeschichte des Alpenraums in vorindustrieller Zeit.
Der erste Tagungsband zum Handbuch zur Geschichte der Ökonomie des Alpenraums in präindustrieller Zeit schließt die Lücke einer raumübergreifenden Synopse der alpenländischen Wirtschaftsgeschichte. R …
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Professor Anne (Aix-Marseille University, France) Montenach & Professor Deborah (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark) Simonton: A Cultural History of Work in the Age of Enlightenment
Winner of the 2020 PROSE Award for Multivolume Reference/Humanities The Enlightenment led to revised ideas about work together with new social attitudes toward work and workers. Coupled with dynamism …
Anne Montenach: Gender, Space and Illicit Economies in Eighteenth-Century Europe
This book seeks to contribute a multi-dimensional, multi-layered and gendered approach to the illicit economy in the historiography of early modern Europe.Using original source material from several …
Anne Montenach: Gender, Space and Illicit Economies in Eighteenth-Century Europe
This book seeks to contribute a multi-dimensional, multi-layered and gendered approach to the illicit economy in the historiography of early modern Europe.Using original source material from several …
Maria Fritsche & Ulrike Krampl: vor Gericht
Dieses Themenheft befasst sich mit der Frage, wie Geschlecht vor Gericht hergestellt und verhandelt, aber auch strategisch eingesetzt wurde, um Ansprüche durchzusetzen oder sich gegen Vorwürfe zu ver …
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