Tác giả: Anne Weyembergh

Ủng hộ
Professor Anne Weyembergh is President of the Institute for European Studies at the Université Libre de Bruxelles, and Co-coordinator of the European Criminal Law Academic Network (ECLAN).

9 Ebooks bởi Anne Weyembergh

Jean-Michel De Waele & Anne Weyembergh: Rethinking the European Union and its global role from the 20th to the 21st Century
Discover the various scientific debates that Mario Telò has been involved. This edited volume, which has been drafted in honour of Professor Telò’s research career, offers the reader an overview of t …
Charles-Éric Clesse: La traite des êtres humains
Cet ouvrage est divisé en quatre parties. – La première, descriptive, détaille les normes nationales et internationales qui sont analysées dans les trois autres grandes parties. Il décrit également l …
tiếng Pháp
Weyembergh Anne Weyembergh & Bri re Chlo Bri re: Needed Balances in EU Criminal Law
This important volume provides an up-to-date overview of the main questions currently discussed in the field of EU criminal law. It makes a stimulating addition to literature in the field, while offe …
La création du Parquet européen
Le Parquet européen devrait être opérationnel d’ici le 1er mars 2021. Chargé des investigations et des poursuites pénales en ce qui concerne les infractions portant atteinte aux intérêts financiers d …
tiếng Pháp
Mario Telo & Anne Weyembergh: Supranational Governance at Stake
This book examines the varied competences of the European Union (EU) in relation to its capacity to externalize its policy preferences. Specifically, it explores the continued resilience within the E …
Mario Telo & Anne Weyembergh: Supranational Governance at Stake
This book examines the varied competences of the European Union (EU) in relation to its capacity to externalize its policy preferences. Specifically, it explores the continued resilience within the E …
Christiane Höhn & Isabel Saavedra: La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against terrorism: achievements and challenges
Ce Liber Amicorum, qui rend hommage à Gilles de Kerchove, coordinateur de l’Union européenne pour la lutte contre le terrorisme de 2007 à 2021, dresse le bilan de ce qui a été mené dans ce secteur ce …
Shin Matsuzawa & Anne Weyembergh: Europe and Japan Cooperation in the Fight against Cross-border Crime
This book is the first to map and critically analyse the legalisation of EU-Japan cooperation in criminal justice matters, charting the existing legal instruments which regulate cooperation in the fi …
Shin Matsuzawa & Anne Weyembergh: Europe and Japan Cooperation in the Fight against Cross-border Crime
This book is the first to map and critically analyse the legalisation of EU-Japan cooperation in criminal justice matters, charting the existing legal instruments which regulate cooperation in the fi …