ANTON YURYEV, Ph D, is the Senior Director of Application Science at Ariadne Genomics Inc. His department studies the topological and evolutionary properties of biological networks and develops algorithms for pathway reconstruction and analysis of high-throughput data. Dr. Yuryev has published more than thirty scientific publications and is the author of several algorithms for primer design and pathway analysis.
3 Ebooks bởi Anton Yuryev
Anton Yuryev: Pathway Analysis for Drug Discovery
This book introduces drug researchers to the novel computational approaches of pathway analysis and explains the existing applications that can save time and money in the drug discovery process. It c …
Natalia V. Ivanikova & Eugene A. Klimov: Disease Pathways
Disease Pathways: An Atlas of Human Disease Signaling Pathways is designed to fill a void of illustrated reviews about the cellular mechanisms of human diseases. It covers 42 of the most common non-o …
Anton Yuryev: PCR Primer Design
In the past decade, molecular biology has been transformed from the art of cloning a single gene to a statistical science measuring and calculating properties of entire genomes. New high-throughput m …