Photon Radiation Therapy for Skin Malignancies is a vital resource for dermatologists interested in radiation therapy, including the physics and biology behind treatment of skin cancers, as well as useful and pragmatic formulas and algorithms for evaluating and treating them.
Dermatology has always been a field that overlaps multiple medical specialties and this book is no exception, with its focus on both dermatologists and radiation oncologists. It is estimated that between 2010 and 2020, the demand for radiation therapy will exceed the number of radiation oncologists practicing in the U.S. tenfold, which could profoundly affect the ability to provide patients with sufficient access to treatment. Photon Radiation Therapy for Skin Malignancies enhances the knowledge of dermatologists and radiation oncologists and presents them with the most up-to-date information regarding detection, delineation and depth determination of skin cancers, and appropriate biopsy techniques. In addition, the book also addresses radiation therapy of the skin and the skin’s reactions to radiation therapy.
Mục lục
Chapter 1: Physical Aspects of Dermatological Radiotherapy.- Chapter 2: Radiobiology.- Chapter 3: Radiation and Cell Kinetics.- Chapter 4: Radiation Safety and Protection.- Chapter 5: Adverse Sequelae of Cutaneous Radiation and Radio Dermatitis.- Chapter 6: Treatment Planning.- Chapter 7: Current Use of Dermatologic Radiotherapy in the United States and Canada.- Chapter 8: Radiation Therapy of Cutaneous Malignancies.- Chapter 9: Electron Beam in Dermatology.- Chapter 10: Brachioradiotherapy in Dermatology.- Chapter 11: Radiation of Benign Dermatoses.- Chapter 12: Ultrasoft Radiation (Grenz Ray).- Chapter 13:Radiation Treatment of Skin Lymphomas.- Chapter 14: Radiation Therapy for Perineural Invasion.- Chapter 15: Radiation For Kaposi’s Sarcoma.- Chapter 16: Equipment and Financial Aspects of Radiation in a Dermatologic Office Setting (Getting Started).