Arthur N. Popper & Anthony Hawkins 
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II [PDF ebook] 

Ủng hộ
The meeting of Aquatic Noise 2013 will introduce participants to the most recent research data, regulatory issues and thinking about effects of man-made noise and will foster critical cross-disciplinary discussion between the participants. Emphasis will be on the cross-fertilization of ideas and findings across species and noise sources. As with its predecessor, The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: 3rd International Conference will encourage discussion of the impact of underwater sound, its regulation and mitigation of its effects. With over 100 contributions from leading researchers, a wide range of sources of underwater sound will be considered.
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Mục lục

Preface.- Noise-Induced Hearing Loss: Permanent Versus Temporary Threshold Shifts and the Effects of Hair Cell Versus Neuronal Degeneration.- Modeled and Measured Underwater Sound Isopleths and Implications for Marine Mammal Mitigation in Alaska.- Sources of Underwater Sound and Their Characterization.- Assessment of Marine Mammal Impact Zones for Use of Military Sonar in the Baltic Sea.- Contribution to the Understanding of Particle Motion Perception in Marine Invertebrates.- Functional Morphology and Symmetry in the Odontocete Ear Complex.- A Low-Cost Open-Source Acoustic Recorder for Bioacoustics Research.- Assessment of Impulsive and Continuous Low-Frequency Noise in Irish Waters.- Is the Venice Lagoon Noisy? First Passive Listening Monitoring of the Venice Lagoon: Possible Effects on the Typical Fish Community.- Effect of Pile-Driving Sounds on the Survival of Larval Fish.- Challenge of Using Passive Acoustic Monitoring in High-Energy Environments: UK Tidal Environments and Other Case Studies.- Hearing Mechanisms and Noise Metrics Related to Auditory Masking in Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).- Effects of Hatchery Rearing on the Structure and Function of salmonid Mechanosensory Systems.- The Effects of Impulsive Pile Driving Exposure on Fishes.- Review of the Effects of Offshore Seismic Surveys in Cetaceans: Are Mass Strandings a Possibility?.- Addressing Challenges in Studies of Behavioral Responses of Whales to Noise.- Measurements of Operational Wind Turbine Noise in UK Waters.- A Bioenergetics Approach to Understanding the Population Consequences of Disturbance: Elephant Seals as a Model System.- Singing Fish in an Ocean of Noise: Effects of Boat Noise on the Plainfin Midshipman (Porichthys notatus) in a Natural Ecosystem.- Detection of Complex Sounds in Quiet Conditions by Seals and Sea Lions.- Offshore Dredger Sounds: Source Levels, Sound Maps, and Risk Assessment.- Peer-Reviewed Studies on the Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Marine Invertebrates: From Scallop Larvae to Giant Squid.- Effects of Offshore Wind Farms on the Early Life Stages of Dicentrarchus labrax.- The European Marine Strategy: Noise Monitoring in European Marine Waters from 2014.- Potential Population Consequences of Active Sonar Disturbance in Atlantic Herring: Estimating the Maximum Risk.- Fulfilling EU Laws to Ensure Marine Mammal Protection During Marine Renewable Construction Operations in Scotland.- Expert Elicitation Methods in Quantifying the Consequences from Acoustic Disturbance From Offshore Renewable Energy Developments.- Masking Experiments in Humans and Birds Using Anthropogenic Noises.- Documenting and Assessing Dolphin Calls and Ambient and Anthropogenic Noise Levels via PAM and an SPL Meter.- Soundscapes and Larval Settlement: Larval Bivalve Responses to Habitat-Associated Underwater Sounds.- Characterizing Marine Soundscapes.- Pile-Driving Noise Impairs Antipredator Behavior of the European Sea Bass Dicentrarchus labrax.- Using Reaction Time and Equal Latency Contours to Derive Auditory Weighting Functions in Sea Lions and Dolphins.- Does Primary Productivity Turn Up the Volume? Exploring the Relationship Between Chlorophyll a and the Soundscape of Coral Reefs in the Pacific.- Expert Elicitation of Population-Level Effects of Disturbance.- Current Status of Development of Methods to Assess Effects of Cumulative or Aggregated Underwater Sounds on Marine Mammals.- Seismic Survey Footprints in Irish Waters: A Starting Point for Effective Mitigation.- Stochastic Modeling of Behavioral Response to Anthropogenic Sounds.- Underwater Sound Levels at a Wave Energy Device Testing Facility in Falmouth Bay, UK.- Predicting Anthropogenic Noise Contributions to U.S. Waters.- Auditory Sensitivity and Masking Profiles for the Sea Otter (Enhydra lutris).- Are Masking-Based Models of Risk Useful? .- “Large” Tank Acoustics: How Big is Big Enough?.- High-Resolution Analysis of Seismic Airgun Impulses and Their Reverberant Field as Contributors to an Acoustic Environment.- Underwater Sound Propagation Modeling Methods for Predicting Marine Animal Exposure.- Investigating the Effect of Tones and Frequency Sweeps on the Collective Behavior of Penned Herring (Clupea harengus).- The Challenges of Analyzing Behavioral Response Study Data: An Overview of the MOCHA (Multi-study Ocean acoustics Human effects Analysis) Project.- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Cetacean and Sound Mapping Effort: Continuing Forward With an Integrated Ocean Noise Strategy.- Understanding the Population Consequences of Acoustic Disturbance  for Marine Mammals.- Multiple-Pulse Sounds and Seals: Results of a Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina) Telemetry Study During Wind Farm Construction.- Developing Sound Exposure Criteria for Fishes.- Calibration and Characterization of Autonomous Recorders Used in the Measurement of Underwater Noise.- Intrinsic Directional Information of Ground Roll Waves.- A Permanent Soundscape Monitoring Systemfor the Care of Animals in Aquaria.- Playback Experiments for Noise Exposure.- Natural Variation in Stress Hormones, Comparisons Across Matrices, and Impacts Resulting From Induced Stress in the Bottlenose Dolphin.- Risk Functions of Dolphins and Sea Lions Exposed to Sonar Signals.- Residency of Reef Fish During Pile Driving within a Shallow Pierside Environment.- Hidden Markov Models Capture Behavioral Responses to Suction-Cup Tag Deployment: A Functional State Approach to Behavioral Context.- A Change in the Use of Regulatory Criteria for Assessing Potential Impacts of Sound on Fishes.-  In-Air and Underwater Hearing in the Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis).- Stress Response and Habituation to Motorboat Noise in Two Coastal Fish Species in the Bothnian Sea.- Cumulative Effects of Exposure to Continuous and Intermittent Sounds on Temporary Hearing Threshold Shifts Induced in a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena).- Great Ears:  Low Frequency Sensitivity Correlates in Land and Marine Leviathans.- What We Can Learn From Artificial Lateral Line Sensor Arrays?.- Protection of Marine Mammals.- Avoidance of Pile-Driving Noise by Hudson River Sturgeon During Construction of the New NY Bridge at Tappan Zee.- Methods for Predicting Potential Impacts of Pile-Driving Noise on Endangered Sturgeon During Bridge Construction.- Automatic Classification of Marine Mammals with Speaker Classification Methods.- Directional Hearing and Head-Related Transfer Function in Odontocete Cetaceans.- Controlled Sonar Exposure Experiments on Cetaceans in Norwegian Waters; Overview of the 3S-Project.- SOFAR: A New Sound-Acquisition Software Package for Underwater Noise Monitoring.- Passive Underwater Noise Attenuation Using Large Encapsulated Air Bubbles.- Measurement of Underwater Operational Noise Emitted by Wave and Tidal Stream Energy Devices.- Likely Age-Related Hearing Loss (Presbycusis) in a Stranded Indo-Pacific Humpback Dolphin (Sousa chinensis).- Impacts of Underwater Noise on Marine Vertebrates: Project Introduction and First Results.- Soundscapes and Larval Settlement: Characterizing the Stimulus from a Larval Perspective.- Does Vessel Noise Affect Oyster Toadfish Calling Rates?.- Comparison of PAM Systems for Acoustic Monitoring and Further Risk Mitigation Application.- Cardiorespiratory Responses to Acoustic Noise in Belugas.- Acoustic Communication in Fishes and Potential Effects of Noise.- Evaluation of Three Sensor Types for Particle Motion Measurement.- Regional Variations and Trends in Ambient Noise: Examples from Australian Waters.- Spatial Patterns of Inshore Marine Soundscapes.- Soundscape and Noise Exposure Monitoring in a Marine Protected Area Using Shipping Data and Time-Lapse Footage.- Global Trends in Ocean Noise.- Pile-Driving Pressure and Particle Velocity at the Seabed: Quantifying Effects on Crustaceans and Groundfish.- Measuring Hearing in Wild Beluga Whales.- Auditory Discrimination of Natural and High-Pass Filtered Bark Vocalizations in a California Sea Lion (Zalophus californianus) .- Hearing Sensation Changes When a Warning Predicts a Loud Sound in the False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens).- Does Masking Matter? Shipping Noise and Fish Vocalizations.- Noise Mitigation During Pile Driving Efficiently Reduces Disturbance of Marine Mammals.- Noise Impact on European Sea Bass Behavior: Temporal Structure Matters.- Does Noise from Shipping and Boat Traffic Affect Predator Vigilance in the European Common Hermit Crab?.- The Use of Deep Water Berths and the Effect of Noise on Bottlenose Dolphins in the Shannon Estuary c SAC.- Sound Transmission Validation and Sensitivity Studies in Numerical Models.- Patterns of Occurrence and Marine Mammal Acoustic Behavior in Relation to Navy Sonar Activity off Jacksonville, Florida.- Hearing in Whales and Dolphins: Relevance and Limitations.- Humans, Fish, and Whales: How Right Whales Modify Calling Behavior in Response to Shifting Background Noise Conditions.- Renewables, Shipping, and Protected Species: A Vanishing Opportunity for Effective Marine Spatial Planning?.- Are the 1/3-Octave 63- and 125-Hz Band Noise Levels Predictive of Vessel Activity? The Case in the Cres–Lošinj Archipelago (Northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia).- The Good, the Bad, and the Distant: Soundscape Cues for Larval Fish.- Terrestrial Soundscapes: Status of Ecological Research in Natural and Human-Dominated Landscapes.- Effects of Underwater Turbine Noise on Crab Larval Metamorphosis.- Temporary Threshold Shifts in Naïve and Experienced Belugas: Can Dampening of the Effects of Fatiguing Sounds be Learned?.- Pile Driving at the New Bridge at Tappan Zee: Potential Environmental Impacts.- Effects of Seismic Airguns on Pallid Sturgeon and Paddlefish.- A Summary Comparison of Active Acoustic Detections and Visual Observations of Marine Mammals in the Canadian Beaufort Sea.- Use of Preoperation Acoustic Modeling Combined With Real-Time Sound Level Monitoring to Mitigate Behavioral Effects of Seismic Surveys.- Potential Competitive Dynamics of Acoustic Ecology.- Beyond a Simple Effect: Variable and Changing Responses to Anthropogenic Noise.- Underwater Sound Propagation From Marine Pile Driving.- Effects of Sound on the Behavior of Wild, Unrestrained Fish Schools.- Sensitivity of Crustaceans to Substrate-Borne Vibration.- Parvulescu Revisited: Small Tank Acoustics for Bioacousticians.- Assessing the Underwater Ship Noise Levels in the North Tyrrhenian Sea.- Radiated Sound of  a High-Speed Water-Jet-Propelled Transportation Vessel.- Impact of Anthropogenic Noise on Aquatic Animals: From Single Species to Community-Level Effects.- Identifying Variations in Baseline Behavior of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) to Contextualize Their Responses to Anthropogenic Noise.- A Brief Review of Cephalopod Behavioral Responses to Sound.- Effects of Model Formulation on Estimates of Health in Individual Right Whales (Eubalaena glacialis).- Auditory Effects of Multiple Impulsesfrom a Seismic Air Gun on Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus).- Communicating the Issue of Underwater Noise Pollution: The Deaf as a Fish Project.-  Mapping Underwater Sound in the Dutch Part of North Sea.- Passive Acoustic Monitoring of the Environmental Impact of Oil Exploration on Marine Mammals in the Gulf of Mexico.- BIAS: A Regional Management of Underwater Sound in the Baltic Sea.- Psychoacoustic Studies of Spotted (Phoca largha) and Ringed (Pusa hispida) Seals.- A Seaway Acoustic Observatory in Action: The St. Lawrence Seaway.- Small-Boat Noise Impacts Natural Settlement Behavior of Coral Reef Fish Larvae.- Auditory Evoked Potential Audiograms Compared with Behavioral Audiograms in Aquatic Animals.- Aiming for Progress in Understanding Underwater Noise Impact on Fish: Complementary Need for Indoor and Outdoor Studies.- Relationship Between Hair Cell Loss and Hearing Loss in Fishes.- Characterization of the Sounds Produced by Temperate and Tropical Sea Urchins During Feeding (Diadematidae and Echinometridae).- Acoustic Response to Playback of Pile-Driving Sounds by Snapping Shrimp.- Development of a Finite-Difference Time Domain (FDTD) Model for Propagation of Transient Sounds in Very Shallow Water.- Vessel Noise Promotes Hull Fouling.- Potential Uses of Anthropogenic Noise as a Source of Information in Animal Sensory and Communication Systems.- Active Acoustic Monitoring of Aquatic Life.- Is Sound Exposure Level a Convenient Metric to Characterize Fatiguing Sounds? A Study in Beluga Whales.-  Frequency Tuning of Hearing in the Beluga Whale.- How Might We Assess and Manage the Effects of Underwater Noise on Populations of Marine Animals?.- Anthropogenic Noise and Physiological Stress in Wildlife.- Harp Seals Do Not Increase Their Call Frequencies When It Gets Noisier.- Measuring In-Air and Underwater Hearing in Seabirds.- WODA Technical Guidance on Underwater Sound From Dredging.- Noise Exposure Criteria for Harbor Porpoises.- Review of Offshore Wind Farm Impact Monitoring and Mitigation with Regard to Marine Mammals.- Discovery of Sound in the Sea: Resources for Educators, Students, the Public, and Policymakers.- Effects of Previous Acoustic Experience on Behavioral Responses to Experimental Sound Stimuli and Implications for Research.- Assessing the Effectiveness of Ramp-Up During Sonar Operations Using Exposure Models.- Mapping the Acoustic Soundscape off Vancouver Island using the NEPTUNE Canada Ocean Observatory.- Behavioral Response of Reef Fish and Green Sea Turtles to Midfrequency Sonar.- Underwater Equal-Latency Contours of a Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for Tonal Signals Between 0.5 and 125 k Hz.- Underwater Hearing in Turtles.- Quantitative Measures of Anthropogenic Noise on Harbor Porpoises: Testing the Reliability of Acoustic Tag Recordings.- Development of a Model to Assess Masking Potential for Marine Mammals by the Use of Air Guns in Antarctic Waters.- Review of Low-Level Bioacoustic Behavior in Wild Cetaceans: Conservation Implications of Possible Sleeping Behavior.- Noise-Dependent Fish Distribution in Kelp Beds.- The Need for Protocols and Standards in Research on Underwater Noise Impacts on Marine Life.-  Summary Report Panel 2: Regulatory Issues.- Gap Analysis From the Perspective of Animal Biology: Results of Panel Discussion From Third International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life.- Communication and Interpretation:  Presenting Information to the General Public.      

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Ngôn ngữ Anh ● định dạng PDF ● Trang 1292 ● ISBN 9781493929818 ● Kích thước tập tin 25.7 MB ● Biên tập viên Arthur N. Popper & Anthony Hawkins ● Nhà xuất bản Springer New York ● Thành phố NY ● Quốc gia US ● Được phát hành 2015 ● Có thể tải xuống 24 tháng ● Tiền tệ EUR ● TÔI 4739676 ● Sao chép bảo vệ DRM xã hội

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