The reason is that Mrs. Wilson and her publishers jealously guarded the dramatic rights of the novel, and when the copyright on her book was about to expire, the authoress herself arranged with Willard Holcomb, a Washington newspaper man and author of several successful plays of lighter order, to prepare a practical stage version, which was copyrighted in her name. Mr. Holcomb’s dramatization was completed shortly before the death of Mrs. Evans Wilson last Spring, and the famous authoress not only gave her sanction to the play in manuscript form, but was so anxious to see it on the stage that a production was arranged, under the personal direction of Mr. Holcomb, at the. Academy of Music, Richmond, Va. And although Mrs. Wilson did not live to see her story illustrated in life size, the play was so successful that it bids fair to live as long as the novel in popularity. Mr. Holcomb leased the producing rights to Mr. Vaughan Glaser, the popular stock star, who, for someseasons past, has conducted theatres throughout the northern tier of cities, and he produced St Elmo in Windsor, Ont. To secure the British copyrights, on the afternoon of the very evening that Mr. Holcomb’s first performance opened at Richmond, Va.