3 Ebooks bởi Autumn Braddock
Jonathan S Abramowitz & Autumn Braddock: Hypochondriasis and Health Anxiety
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is now the treatment of choice for individuals with health anxiety and related problems. The latest research shows that it results in reductions in health-related worries …
Jonathan S Abramowitz & Autumn Braddock: Hypochondriasis and Health Anxiety
Cognitive-behavioral therapy is now the treatment of choice for individuals with health anxiety and related problems. The latest research shows that it results in reductions in health-related worries …
Jonathan S Abramowitz & Autumn Braddock: Psychological Treatment of Health Anxiety and Hypochondriasis
Between 25% and 50% of visits to primary care clinics are for somatic complaints with no identifiable organic pathology. While most people are reassured when told they are not ill, a certain percenta …