Tác giả: B. R. Stateham

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57 Ebooks bởi B. R. Stateham

B.R. Stateham: Murderous Passions
Working on multiple cases at the same time, homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales have their plates full of problems. Turner is a man with an unnerving resemblance to a 30’s movie matinee …
B.R. Stateham: Murder is Our Business
Ten stories from the Case Files of homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales, these are tales of murder, deception, greed and mayhem only this duo can solve. Murder is the operative word in t …
B.R. Stateham: Pistole, Gambe, Fantasmi e Gangster
Questi dieci racconti presentano alcuni dei casi di omicidio indagati dai migliori detective della omicidi del South Side, Turner Hahn e Frank Morales. In questa affascinante collezione, troverete ca …
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B.R. Stateham: Guns, Gams, Ghosts and Gangsters
These ten short stories feature some of the homicide cases investigated by the South Side Precinct’s best homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales. In this riveting collection, you’ll find c …
B.R. Stateham: A Taste of Old Revenge
Homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales are at it again. This time they have two homicide cases, which may or may not wind up being connected. One case involves the death of a university pr …
B.R. Stateham: Pistole, Gambe, Fantasmi e Gangster
Questi dieci racconti presentano alcuni dei casi di omicidio indagati dai migliori detective della omicidi del South Side, Turner Hahn e Frank Morales. In questa affascinante collezione, troverete ca …
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B.R. Stateham: L’omicidio È Il Nostro Mestiere
Dieci storie dai Case Files dei detective della omicidi Turner Hahn e Frank Morales, queste sono storie di omicidi, inganni, avidità e caos che solo questa coppia può risolvere. Omicidio è la parola …
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B.R. Stateham: Evil Arises
Warrior. Monk. Wizard. He is Roland Of The High Crags. As a warrior monk he has taken vows to protect humanity from all forms of evil. To protect the innocent and the weak, and to unflinchingly face …
B.R. Stateham: Treacherous Brethren
The war between dragon and man rages on. Roland swore to protect and raise the small dragon princess as his own. Feared by humanity and dragonkind alike, the warrior monk is a renowned swordsman, and …
B.R. Stateham: Evil Arises
Warrior. Monk. Wizard. He is Roland Of The High Crags. As a warrior monk he has taken vows to protect humanity from all forms of evil. To protect the innocent and the weak, and to unflinchingly face …
B.R. Stateham: Murder is Our Business
Ten stories from the Case Files of homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales, these are tales of murder, deception, greed and mayhem only this duo can solve. Murder is the operative word in t …
B.R. Stateham: Guns, Gams, Ghosts and Gangsters
These ten short stories feature some of the homicide cases investigated by the South Side Precinct’s best homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales. In this riveting collection, you’ll find c …
B.R. Stateham: Murderous Passions
Working on multiple cases at the same time, homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales have their plates full of problems. Turner is a man with an unnerving resemblance to a 30’s movie matinee …
B.R. Stateham: A Taste of Old Revenge
Homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales are at it again. This time they have two homicide cases, which may or may not wind up being connected. One case involves the death of a university pr …
Phillip Tomasso & Jennifer Ealey: The Time Of Heroes
A collection of three epic fantasy series starters by Phillip Tomasso, Jennifer Ealey and B.R. Stateham, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise (The Severed Empire Book 1) : For over two hundred years, the …
B.R. Stateham: There Are No Innocents
Turner Hahn and Frank Morales work as homicide detectives for the South Side Precinct. They are two old pros in the art and science of tracking down and arresting society’s darkest predators. This ti …
B.R. Stateham: Murderous Passions
B.R. Stateham: Death by Greek Fire
After twenty years as a professional soldier, Decimus Julius Virilis – distant kin to the Imperator himself – has been commissioned the third in command of the newly formed Legio XII Brundisium. It’s …
B.R. Stateham: O Mal Surge
Guerreiro. Monge. Feiticeiro. Ele é Roland dos Penhascos Altos. Como um monge-guerreiro, ele fez votos de proteger a humanidade de todas as formas do Mal. Para proteger os inocentes e fracos, e para …
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B.R. Stateham: Two to Worry About
She’s a successful career woman. Single, strong-willed and beautiful. She’s made her career in the newspaper game the hard way, and she’ll keep digging until the full story is told. But she’s also hu …
B.R. Stateham: Death of a Young Lieutenant
Jake Reynolds is an art thief. A master artist who can create an exact replica of any famous canvas, in intricate detail. So precise and elegant is his work that even today, hanging on the walls of t …
B.R. Stateham: While The Emperor Slept
It is 9 A.D and the Roman Empire, finally cured from the years of murderous civil war, lies in peace under the rule of Caesar Augustus. In the midst of this tranquil peace, Decimus Julius Virilis has …
B.R. Stateham: La Muerte de un Joven Teniente
Jake Reynolds es un ladrón de arte. Un maestro del arte capaz de crear una réplica exacta de cualquier lienzo famoso, con todo lujo de detalles. Tan preciso y elegante es su trabajo que aún hoy, colg …
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B.R. Stateham: Muerte por Fuego Griego
Tras veinte años como soldado profesional, Decimus Julius Virilis, pariente lejano del mismísimo Imperator, ha sido nombrado tercero al mando de la recién formada Legio XII Brundisium. Es su última m …
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B.R. Stateham: The Dark Side Of Justice
A collection of three crime mystery novels by B.R. Stateham, now available in one volume! Murderous Passions : Detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales are the dynamic duo that tackle the toughest ca …
B.R. Stateham: Smitty’s Calling Card
A cop is in desperate need of help. A serial killer, a true mastermind, has been on the loose for months, leaving no evidence behind. The task force assigned to catch him is at a loss, but the cop kn …
B.R. Stateham: A Morte de um Jovem Tenente
Jake Reynolds é um ladrão de arte. Um ladrão de arte que tem um karma ruim. Ele não pode aceitar o conceito de alguém escapar impune de um assassinato. Sim, ele é um mestre falsificador que cria cópi …
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B.R. Stateham: Turner Hahn And Frank Morales Crime Mysteries Collection – Books 1-3
Books 1-3 in ‘Turner Hahn And Frank Morales Crime Mysteries’, a series of crime mystery novels by B.R. Stateham, now in one volume! Murderous Passions : Meet homicide detectives Turner Hahn and Frank …
Aaron M. Fleming & B.R. Stateham: Forged in Fire
A collection of three fantasy novels by Aaron M. Fleming, B.R. Stateham & James Fuller, now available in one volume! Kingmaker : Hunter, a former soldier turned monk, and his partner Chekwe embark on …
B.R. Stateham: Morte pelo Fogo Grego
Depois de vinte anos como soldado profissional, Décimo Júlio Viril — parente distante do próprio Imperador — foi comissionado o terceiro no comando da recém-formada Legião XII Brundísio. É sua última …
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B.R. Stateham: Pasiones Asesinas
Trabajando en varios casos al mismo tiempo, los detectives de homicidios Turner Hahn y Frank Morales tienen suficientes problemas. Turner es un hombre con un inquietante parecido a un ídolo de cine d …
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B.R. Stateham: Murder Most Strange
Murder Most Strange is a collection of twelve homicide cases from the files of detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales. Included are cases of the macabre, the strange, and the homicidal deranged, fr …
B.R. Stateham: Treacherous Brethren
The war between dragon and man rages on. Roland swore to protect and raise the small dragon princess as his own. Feared by humanity and dragonkind alike, the warrior monk is a renowned swordsman, and …
B.R. Stateham: There Are No Innocents
Turner Hahn and Frank Morales work as homicide detectives for the South Side Precinct. They are two old pros in the art and science of tracking down and arresting society’s darkest predators. This ti …
B.R. Stateham: Death by Greek Fire
After twenty years as a professional soldier, Decimus Julius Virilis – distant kin to the Imperator himself – has been commissioned the third in command of the newly formed Legio XII Brundisium. It’s …
B.R. Stateham: Muerte por Fuego Griego
Tras veinte años como soldado profesional, Decimus Julius Virilis, pariente lejano del mismísimo Imperator, ha sido nombrado tercero al mando de la recién formada Legio XII Brundisium. Es su última m …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
B.R. Stateham: La Muerte de un Joven Teniente
Jake Reynolds es un ladrón de arte. Un maestro del arte capaz de crear una réplica exacta de cualquier lienzo famoso, con todo lujo de detalles. Tan preciso y elegante es su trabajo que aún hoy, colg …
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B.R. Stateham: O Mal Surge
Guerreiro. Monge. Feiticeiro. Ele é Roland dos Penhascos Altos. Como um monge-guerreiro, ele fez votos de proteger a humanidade de todas as formas do Mal. Para proteger os inocentes e fracos, e para …
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B.R. Stateham: While The Emperor Slept
It is 9 A.D and the Roman Empire, finally cured from the years of murderous civil war, lies in peace under the rule of Caesar Augustus. In the midst of this tranquil peace, Decimus Julius Virilis has …
B.R. Stateham: Death of a Young Lieutenant
Jake Reynolds is an art thief. A master artist who can create an exact replica of any famous canvas, in intricate detail. So precise and elegant is his work that even today, hanging on the walls of t …
B.R. Stateham: Two to Worry About
She’s a successful career woman. Single, strong-willed and beautiful. She’s made her career in the newspaper game the hard way, and she’ll keep digging until the full story is told. But she’s also hu …
James Fuller & Aaron M. Fleming: Forged in Fire
A collection of three fantasy novels by Aaron M. Fleming, B.R. Stateham & James Fuller, now available in one volume! Kingmaker : Hunter, a former soldier turned monk, and his partner Chekwe embark on …
B.R. Stateham: The Dark Side Of Justice
A collection of three crime mystery novels by B.R. Stateham, now available in one volume! Murderous Passions : Detectives Turner Hahn and Frank Morales are the dynamic duo that tackle the toughest ca …
Jennifer Ealey & B.R. Stateham: The Time Of Heroes
A collection of three epic fantasy series starters by Phillip Tomasso, Jennifer Ealey and B.R. Stateham, now in one volume! Wizard’s Rise (The Severed Empire Book 1) : For over two hundred years, the …
B.R. Stateham: Morte pelo Fogo Grego
Depois de vinte anos como soldado profissional, Décimo Júlio Viril — parente distante do próprio Imperador — foi comissionado o terceiro no comando da recém-formada Legião XII Brundísio. É sua última …
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B.R. Stateham: A Morte de um Jovem Tenente
Jake Reynolds é um ladrão de arte. Um ladrão de arte que tem um karma ruim. Ele não pode aceitar o conceito de alguém escapar impune de um assassinato. Sim, ele é um mestre falsificador que cria cópi …
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B.R. Stateham: Death of a Cuckold Knight
Jake Reynolds is an art thief. Perhaps the greatest, luckiest art thief ever. He steals rare paintings and replaces them with forgeries so exact that nobody can tell the difference. It’s 1915 and WW1 …
B.R. Stateham: Discreet Inquiries
The criminal underworld is teetering on the brink of war, and only Smitty can quell the storm. The disappearance of math prodigy Donald Irving ignites a fuse that could blast the city’s crime syndica …
B.R. Stateham: Desperate Pawns
The war between Dragon and Man continues unabated, as it has for over a thousand years. Roland and Ursala have decided to stop fleeing from those who wish to destroy them. Both Dragonkind and Humanki …
B.R. Stateham: Roland of the High Crags – Books 1-3
The first three books in Roland Of The High Crags, a series of epic fantasy novels by B.R. Stateham, now available in one volume! Evil Arises : As a warrior monk, Roland has taken vows to protect hum …
B.R. Stateham: Trabalhando com a Morte
Dez histórias dos arquivos dos detetives de homicídios Turner Hahn e Frank Morales. Elas são contos de assassinatos, enganos, ganância e caos que apenas esta dupla consegue resolver. Homicídio é a pa …
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B.R. Stateham: There Is No Johnny
Is Smitty a professional hitman? A spy? A private detective? A protector of the weak and innocent? No one knows. But whatever Smitty is, know that he is very good at whatever hat decides to wear that …