Barbara Dick, formerly an editor for Abingdon Press, is now working freelance from Wisconsin. Her editing projects include Newscope, The Wesley Study Bible, The Abingdon Worship Annual, The Abingdon Preaching Annual, Black Church Studies, The United Methodist Music and Worship Planner, and Prepare!, all from Abingdon Press, and Joy to the World from the Women’s Division of The United Methodist Church. She is coauthor with her husband Dan R. Dick of Equipped for Every Good Work: Building a Gifts Based Church. Barbara has written for the Upper Room Disciplines and recently completed work on new and revised United Methodist brochures on Communion, Baptism, Membership Vows, Grace, and others for Abingdon Press.
1 Ebooks bởi Barbara Dick
Randy Cross & Taylor W. Mills: Daily Bible Study Fall 2022
Study the Bible daily for a closer relationship with God. Daily Bible Study is a great companion to the quarterly Adult Bible Studies or as a stand-alone study for those wanting to study the Bible da …