This volume discusses the significance of human rights approaches to food and the way it relates to gender considerations, addressing links between hunger and the HIV/AIDS pandemic, agricultural productivity and the environment.
Mục lục
Preface PART I: VULNERABILITY TO HUNGER: CAUSES AND REMEDIES National Food Policies impacting on Food Security: The Experience of a Large Populated Country – India; S.S.Acharya Food Security in the South Pacific Island Countries with Special Reference to the Fiji Islands; K.L.Sharma Food Security in the SADC Region: An Assessment of National Trade Strategy in the Context of the 2001-03 Food Crisis; A.Charman & J.Hodge On the Edge: The Role of Food-Based Safety Nets in Helping Vulnerable Households Manage Food Insecurity; L.Brown & U.Gentilini The Public Distribution Systems of Foodgrains and Implications for Food Security: A Comparison of the Experiences of India and China; Z.-Y.Zhou & G.Wan PART II: GENDER AND HUNGER: THE LINKS Gender, HIV/AIDS and Rural Livelihoods: Micro-Level Investigations in Three African Countries; J.Curry, E.Wiegers, A.Garbero, S.Stokes & J.Hourihan Gender, Local Knowledge and Lessons Learnt in Documenting and Conserving Agrobiodiversity; Y.Lambrou & R.Laub Gender Differentiation in the Analysis of Alternative Farm Mechanization Choices on Small Farms in Kenya; J.Wanjiku, J.U.Manyengo, W.Oluoch-Kosura & J.T.Karugia Women and Food Security in South Asia: Current Issues and Emerging Concerns; N.Ramachandran PART III: HUNGER AS ENTITLEMENT FAILURE: THE RIGHT TO FOOD Entitlement Failure from a Food Quality Perspective: The Life and Death Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Humanitarian Crises; P.Webb & A.Thorne-Lyman The Right to Food as a Fundamental Human Right: FAO’s Experience; I.Rae, J.Thomas & M.Vidar Realizing the Right to Food in South Asia; P.Bhargava & M.Balana Rights-Based Approach to Development: Lessons from the Right to Food Movement in India; B.Guha-Khasnobis & S.Vivek
Giới thiệu về tác giả
MANJU BALANA Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India PRADEEP BHARGAVA Institute of Development Studies, Jaipur (Rajasthan), India LYNN BROWN Rural Development Specialist, World Bank, USA ANDREW CHARMAN Director, Sustainable Livelihood Consultants, Cape Town, South Africa JOHN CURRY Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy ALESSANDRA GARBERO, Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy UGO GENTILINI Policy Economist, Social Protection and Livelihoods Service, UN World Food Programme (WFP) JAMES HODGE Engagement Manager at Genesis Analytics; Seasonal Lecturer, WITS JOHN HOURIHAN Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy JOSEPH T. KARUGIA Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi, Kenya YIANNA LAMBROU Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy REGINA LAUB Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy JOHN UHURU MANYENGO Kenya Agricultural Research Institute, Kakamega, Kenya WILLIS OLUOCH-KOSURA Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nairobi, Kenya ISABELLA RAE Right to Food Consultant, Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) NIRA RAMACHANDRAN Consultant, Unicef, New Delhi, India K. L. SHARMA School of Economics, The University of the South Pacific, Suva, Fiji SHANNON STOKES Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy JULIAN THOMAS Former Coordinator, Right to Food Unit, Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) ANDREW THORNE-LYMAN Public Health Nutrition Officer, Headquarters of the World Food Programme MARGRET VIDAR Legal Officer, Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO) S. VIVEK Graduate Student, Syracuse University, USA GUANGHUA WAN Senior Research Fellow, Project Director and Director for Visiting Fellowship and Internship Programme, UNU-WIDER, Finland JULLIET WANJIKU World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Nairobi, Kenya PATRICK WEBB Former Chief of Nutrition for WFP; Dean for Academic Affairs, Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston, USA ESTHER SILVANA WIEGERS Food and Agricultural Organization of the UN (FAO), Gender and Development Division, Rome, Italy ZHANGYUE ZHOU Associate Professor in Business Studies, School of Business, James Cook University, Australia