Tác giả: Beatrice Walsh

Ủng hộ
BEATRICE WALSH was born in 1956 in Switzerland. Love brought her to Australia in her early twenties. She now lives in Sydney. In her late forties, a terrible breakdown turned her world upside down.

2 Ebooks bởi Beatrice Walsh

Beatrice Walsh & 玉蓮: Stories from the Chinese Buddhist Canon (Bai Hua Fo Jing Gu Shi) Vol. 1
這本白話佛經故事是採自佛教大藏經中各章節裡有那些能構成一個故事的,筆者盡量忠於原文,盡可能地依照原把集合故事的經文改成白話。每篇故事前面都註明故事的來源出處,意思就是要告訴讀者該故事是出自於那裡,以利引導讀者如果有空時能自己再深入經藏。這是一本要用心讀,而不是用眼睛看的書。因為用眼睛看不到佛陀以及他的教法 ; 只有用心看,才能接得上佛心。學佛的目的,是為了能夠正確觀察瞭解自己(遍計所執相),瞭解 …
Béatrice Walsh: Finding the Point of Equilibrium
This is the story of my journey through schizo-affective-disorder and melancholic depression and about finding a path leading to healing and well-being. It is about childhood sexual abuse, unhelpful …