Tác giả: Benedict Winiger

Ủng hộ
< Bénédict Winiger, Université de Genève, Suisse; Helmut Koziol, Research Unit for European Tort Law, Vienna, Austria; Bernhard A. Koch, Universität Innsbruck, Austria; Reinhard Zimmermann, Max-Planck-Institut für ausl. und internat. Privatrecht, Hamburg.<

4 Ebooks bởi Benedict Winiger

Benedict Winiger & Helmut Koziol: Essential Cases on Damage
The increasing Europeanisation of the law of delict/torts has produced textbooks, casebooks, monographs, and also sets of model rules of a genuinely European character. A major gap still existing tod …
Benedict Winiger & Ernst Karner: Essential Cases on Misconduct
The various national European legal systems offer a broad range of responses to the question of what can be regarded as wrongful behaviour or fault. The present work systematically examines these two …
Mike Bacher & Bénédict Winiger: Ethik und Recht in der Bioethik / Ethique et Droit en matière de Bioéthique
Am Anfang und am Ende des Lebens stehen zahlreiche Fragen, die in den Grenzbereichen zwischen Recht, Philosophie und Theologie zu kontroversen Diskussionen führen. Nicht nur diese Disziplinen, sonder …
tiếng Đức
Bénédict Winiger & Bjarte Askeland: Essential Cases on the Limits of Liability
European legal systems have developed a broad range of instruments aimed at limiting liability. These instruments are systematically examined within the present volume, which builds on the experience …