Tác giả: Bénédicte Meillon

Ủng hộ
Bénédicte Meillon is associate professor of English studies at the Université of Perpignan Via Domitia.

3 Ebooks bởi Bénédicte Meillon

Benedicte Meillon: Dwellings of Enchantment
Dwellings of Enchantment: Writing and Reenchanting the Earth offers ecocritical and ecopoetic readings that focus on multispecies dwellings of enchantment and reenchant our rapport with the …
Benedicte Meillon: Ecopoetics of Reenchantment
Ecopoetics of Reenchantment: Liminal Realism and Poetic Echoes of the Earth tackles the reenchantment process at work in a part of contemporary ecoliterature that is marked by the resurfacing of the …
Pascale Amiot & Benedicte Meillon: Biodiversité, Enjeux Écopoétiques
Le questioni ecologiche hanno occupato a lungo un posto modesto nelle Scienze umane e nella Letteratura francese, ma fortunatamente il XX secolo si è visto caratterizzato da un interesse nuovo per le …
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