Tác giả: Bernadette Walker-Gibbs

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3 Ebooks bởi Bernadette Walker-Gibbs

Ann K. Schulte & Bernadette Walker-Gibbs: Self-studies in Rural Teacher Education
The purpose of this book is to highlight the work of teacher educators in the field of rural education. In this book, education faculty who work in teacher education study the ways in which one’s ide …
Diane Mayer & Mary Dixon: Studying the Effectiveness of Teacher Education
This book provides an evidentiary basis for policy decisions regarding initial teacher education and beginning teaching and informs the design and delivery of teacher preparation programs. Based on a …
Sarah Pinto & Shelley Hannigan: Interdisciplinary Unsettlings of Place and Space
This book brings together researchers from different fields, traditions and perspectives to examine the ways in which place and space might (be) unsettle(d). Researchers from across the humanities a …