This new edition of Fungal Associations focuses on mycorrhizas, lichens and fungal-bacterial symbioses. It has been completely revised, updated and expanded. Renowned experts present thorough reviews and discuss the most recent findings on molecular interactions between fungi and plants or bacteria that lead to morphological alterations and novel properties in the symbionts. New insights into the beneficial impact of fungal associations on ecosystem health are provided and documented with striking examples.
Mục lục
Exploring the Genome of Glomeromycotan Fungi.- Molecular Approaches to Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Functioning.- The Interface Between Plants and Mycorrhizal Fungi: Nutrient Exchange, Signaling and Cell Organization.- Arbuscular Mycorrhiza — a Key Component of Sustainable Plant–Soil Ecosystems.- The Geosiphon–Nostoc Endosymbiosis and its Role as a Model for Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Research.- De-Constructing a Mutualist: How the Molecular Blueprints of Model Symbiotic Fungi are Changing our Understanding of Mutualism.- Carbohydrates Exchange Between Symbionts in Ectomycorrhizas.- Lipids of Mycorrhizas.- The Role of the Stonesphere for the Interactions between Mycorrhizal Fungi and Mycorrhizosphere Bacteria during Mineral Weathering.- Context-Dependent Interaction Hierarchies and the Organization of Ectomycorrhizal Fungal Communities.- Ectendomycorrhizas: Occurrence, Structural Characteristics, and Possible Roles.- Orchid Mycorrhizas: Molecular Ecology, Physiology, Evolution and Conservation Aspects.- The Symbiotic Fungus Piriformospora indica: Review.- Genetic Diversity and Functional Aspects of Ericoid Mycorrhizal Fungi.- The Symbiotic Phenotype of Lichen-Forming Ascomycetes and Their Endo- and Epibionts.- Basidiolichens.- Bacteria and the Lichen Symbiosis.- Fungal and Bacterial Volatile Organic Compounds: an Overview and Their Role as Ecological Signaling Agents.