A Trip Down the Rabbit Hole of America–Winner of Mid-List Press First Novel Award
As a little girl growing up in Squitchit, New York, Leslie Kove doubtless imagined that she and her two siblings would one day marry, have kids, and make ordinary productive lives for themselves. But by 1970, her brother, Peter, has died in Vietnam. Her sister, Susan, a scholarship student at Bennington College in Vermont, has changed her name to Sabra-Sou and dances topless in political demonstrations. And Leslie, a high school senior, has no idea what to say when people ask her what she’s going to do with her life: She needs a plan.
This first-person tragicomedy begins with Leslie’s visit to Bennington in May 1970 and continues over two decades as she journeys through ‘the rabbit hole’–like a modern-day Alice in the Wonderland that is America. (Originally published in 2001 as winner of Mid-List Press’s First Series Award for the novel, this is a revised e-book edition.)
Mục lục
The Background
My Trip to Bennington
The Summer
Plan A: Surviving
Plan B: Losing My Virginity
Plan C: Holding Down a Responsible Job & Seeking Mental Health
Plan D: Back to Plan B
Plan E: Working My Way Up at PRS&C
Plan F: Getting to Know Leon
Plan G: Exploring My Jewish Roots
Plan H: Getting to Know My Mother
Plan I: Getting on with It
Plan J: Discovering the World
Plans K to Around V (I had a small problem with continuity here): Looking for Purpose Via Various Careers 1
Plan W: Saving Susan
Three-Year Recap
Plan X: ‘How Things Are’ by Sally Washington
Plan Y: The Hell if I Know
Plan Z: What To Do When Nothing Makes Sense
The Ending
The Real Ending
The Conclusion
About the Author
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