Appropriate for use in developmental research methods or analysis of change courses, this is the first methods handbook specifically designed to meet the needs of those studying development. Leading developmental methodologists present cutting-edge analytic tools and describe how and when to use them, in accessible, nontechnical language. They also provide valuable guidance for strengthening developmental research with designs that anticipate potential sources of bias. Throughout the chapters, research examples demonstrate the procedures in action and give readers a better understanding of how to match research questions to developmental methods. The companion website ( supplies data and program syntax files for many of the chapter examples.
Mục lục
I. Measurement and Design
1. Foundational Issues of Design and Measurement in Developmental Research, Scott M. Hofer, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, and Andrea M. Piccinin
2. Causal Inference, Identification, and Plausibility, E. Michael Foster
3. Accelerated Longitudinal Designs, Susan C. Duncan and Terry E. Duncan
4. Time-Scale-Dependent Longitudinal Designs, Theodore A. Walls, William D. Barta, Robert S. Stawski, Charles E. Collyer, and Scott M. Hofer
5. Event Frequency Measurement, Brett Laursen, Jaap Denissen, and David F. Bjorklund
6. The Impact of Scaling and Measurement Methods on Individual Differences in Growth, Susan E. Embretson and John Poggio
7. Investigating Factorial Invariance in Longitudinal Data, Roger E. Millsap and Heining Cham
II. Approaches to Data Collection
8. Foundational Issues in Longitudinal Data Collection, Lea Pulkkinen and Katja Kokko
9. The Use of Large-Scale Data Sets for the Study of Developmental Science, Pamela Davis-Kean and Justin Jager
10. Telemetrics and Online Data Collection: Collecting Data at a Distance, Joshua Wilt, David M. Condon, and William Revelle
11. Collecting and Analyzing Longitudinal Diary Data, Bernhard Schmitz, Julia Klug, and Silke Hertel
12. Retrospective Methods in Developmental Science, Andrea Follmer Greenhoot
13. Peer Ratings, William M. Bukowski, Antonius H. N. Cillessen, and Ana Maria Velásquez
III. Interindividual Longitudinal Analysis
14. Foundational Issues in Investigating Development as Interindividual Variation, Jari-Erik Nurmi
15. Analysis of Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Data: Pinpointing Explanations, Richard Gonzalez, Tianyi Yu, and Brenda Volling
16. Autoregressive and Cross-Lagged Panel Analysis for Longitudinal Data, James P. Selig and Todd D. Little
17. Analyzing Change between Two or More Groups: Analysis of Variance versus Analysis of Covariance, Kamala London and Daniel B. Wright
18. Mediation Models for Developmental Data, Matthew S. Fritz and David P. Mac Kinnon
IV. Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis
19. Foundational Issues in Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis, Michael J. Rovine and Lawrence L. Lo
20. Dynamic Factor Analysis and Control of Developmental Processes, Peter C. M. Molenaar and Lawrence L. Lo
21. P-Technique Factor Analysis, Ihno A. Lee and Todd D. Little
22. Hazard, Event History, and Survival Modeling, Margaret K. Keiley, Cassandra Kirkland, Ali Zaremba, and Ashley Anders Jackson
V. Combining Interindividual and Intraindividual Longitudinal Analysis
23. Foundational Issues in the Contemporary Modeling of Longitudinal Trajectories, John J. Mc Ardle
24. Growth Curve Modeling from a Structural Equation Modeling Perspective, Kevin J. Grimm and Nilam Ram
25. Growth Curve Modeling from a Multilevel Model Perspective, Joop J. Hox and Jan Boom
26. Nonlinear Growth Modeling, Shelley A. Blozis
27. Group-Based Trajectory Modeling in Developmental Science, Daniel S. Nagin and Candice L. Odgers
28. Longitudinal Mixture Models and the Identification of Archetypes: Action-Adventure, Mystery, Science Fiction, or Romance, Nilam Ram, Kevin J. Grimm, Lisa M. Gatzke-Kopp, and Peter C. M. Molenaar
29. Multilevel Structural Equation Modeling, James A. Bovaird and Leslie H. Shaw
VI. Nonindependent Data Analysis
30. Foundational Issues in Nonindependent Data Analysis, William L. Cook
31. Dyadic Data Analyses in a Developmental Context, Robert A. Ackerman, M. Brent Donnellan, Deborah A. Kashy, and Rand D. Conger
32. Applying the Social Relations Model to Developmental Research, Noel A. Card and Russell B. Toomey
33. Analysis of Static Social Networks and Their Developmental Effects, Scott D. Gest and Thomas A. Kindermann
34. Actor-Based Model for Network and Behavior Dynamics, René Veenstra and Christian Steglich
VII. Special Topics in Data Analysis
35. Configural Frequency Analysis in Developmental Research, Alexander von Eye, Eun-Young Mun, Richard M. Lerner, Jacqueline V. Lerner, and Edmond P. Bowers
36. Cluster Analysis and Latent Class Clustering Techniques, Christine Di Stefano
37. Meta-Analysis in Developmental Science, Marinus H. van IJzendoorn, Marian J. Bakermans-Kranenburg, and Lenneke R. A. Alink
38. Evaluating Gene–Environment Interplay, Mara Brendgen, Frank Vitaro, and Alain Girard
39. Epidemic Models of the Onset of Social Activities, Joseph Lee Rodgers and Andrey Koval
40. Dynamic Systems, Paul van Geert
41. Planned Missing Data Designs for Developmental Research, Stephen A. Mistler and Craig K. Enders
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Brett Laursen, Ph D, is Professor of Psychology and Director of Graduate Training at Florida Atlantic University. He is also a Docent Professor of Social Developmental Psychology at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. In 2008, Dr. Laursen received an honorary doctorate from Örebro University, Sweden. He is a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (Division 7, Developmental) and a Fellow and Charter Member of the Association for Psychological Science. In addition to his own research on parent-child and peer relationships, Dr. Laursen is a consultant and collaborator on several large longitudinal projects currently under way in North America and Europe.
Todd D. Little, Ph D, is Professor of Educational Psychology and Leadership at Texas Tech University and founding Director of the Texas Tech University Research Institute. Dr. Little is past president of the American Psychological Association’s Division 5 (Evaluation, Measurement, and Statistics) and winner of the Division’s 2013 Cohen Award for Distinguished Contributions to Teaching and Mentoring. He organizes and teaches in the internationally renowned ‘Stats Camps’ that he founded in 2002.
Noel A. Card, Ph D, is Associate Professor in Family Studies and Human Development at the University of Arizona. His research centers on social development and quantitative methods, and especially the interface of these disciplines. Dr. Card’s developmental research focuses on aggression and peer relations during childhood and adolescence; his quantitative interests include longitudinal analyses, analysis of interdependent data, and meta-analysis. He is a recipient of the Society for Research in Child Development’s Early Career Research Award.