Tác giả: Brigitte Falkenburg

Ủng hộ
Brigitte Falkenburg is Professor for Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy and Political Science at the Technische Universität Dortmund. She holds a diploma in physics, a Ph D in Philosophy and a 2nd Ph D in Physics. Her areas of specialization are: philosophy of science and technology, history of philosophy (Kant, Hegel, Neo-Kantianism). Selected publications: Mythos Determinismus (Heidelberg: Springer 2012); Particle Metaphysics (Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer 2007); Kants Kosmologie (Frankfurt am Main: Klostermann 2000); Wem dient die Technik? Johann Joachim Becher-Preis 2002. Ed. by the J.J.Becher-Stiftung (Baden-Baden: Nomos 2004). As editor: Why More is Different (with M. Morrison) (Berlin/Heidelberg: Springer 2015); From Ultrarays to Astroparticles (with W. Rhode) (Dordrecht: Springer 2012); Natur – Technik – Kultur (Paderborn: Mentis 2007); Erhard Scheibe: Between Rationalism and Empiricism. Selected Papers in the Philosophy of Physics (New York: Springer 2001). Gregor Schiemann is Professor for Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy at the Bergische Universität in Wuppertal. He holds a diploma in physics and a Ph D in Philosophy. His areas of specialization are: history and philosophy of science, the concept of nature and the relation between science and lifeworld. Selected publications: Hermann von Helmholtz”s Mechanism: The Loss of Certainty (Dordrecht: Springer, 2009); Werner Heisenberg (München: Beck, 2008); as editor and author (with M. Heidelberger) The Significance of the Hypothetical in the Natural Sciences. (Berlin/New York: de Gruyter, 2009), (with A. Nordmann and H. Radder) Science Transformed? Debating claims of an epochal break (Pittsburgh : University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011); as editor (with D. Lehmkuhl and E. Scholz) Towards a Theory of Spacetime Theories (Dordrecht: Springer, 2017).

13 Ebooks bởi Brigitte Falkenburg

Brigitte Falkenburg & Gregor Schiemann: Mechanistic Explanations in Physics and Beyond
This volume offers a broad, philosophical discussion on mechanical explanations. Coverage ranges from historical approaches and general questions to physics and higher-level sciences . The contributo …
Brigitte Falkenburg: Particle Metaphysics
Metaphysics, with which, as fate would have it, I have fallen in love but from which I can boast of only a few favours, o?ers two kinds of advantage. The ?rst is this: it can solve the problems throw …
Brigitte Falkenburg: Mythos Determinismus
Aus der Sicht der Neurobiologie regiert im Kopf das neuronale Geschehen. Doch was wissen die Hirnforscher genau über die Mechanismen des Hirngeschehens und ihren Einfluss auf den menschlichen Geist? …
tiếng Đức
Brigitte Falkenburg & Margaret Morrison: Why More Is Different
The physics of condensed matter, in contrast to quantum physics or cosmology, is not traditionally associated with deep philosophical questions. However, as science – largely thanks to more powerful …
Brigitte Falkenburg & Wolfgang Rhode: From Ultra Rays to Astroparticles
The scope of the book is to give an overview of the history of astroparticle physics, starting with the discovery of cosmic rays (Victor Hess, 1912) and its background (X-ray, radioactivity). The boo …
Erhard Scheibe: Between Rationalism and Empiricism
Erhard Scheibe is one of the most outstanding German philosophers of science. He has written extensively on all the problems that confront the philosophy of mathematics and physics: rationalism versu …
Thomas Kirchhoff & Nicole C. Karafyllis: Naturphilosophie
Naturphilosophie – von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart Was ist Natur oder was könnte sie sein? Diese und weitere Fragen sind grundlegend für Naturdenken und -handeln. Das Lehr- und Studienbuch bietet …
tiếng Đức
Brigitte Falkenburg: Kant’s Cosmology
This book provides a comprehensive account of Kant’s development from the 1755/56 metaphysics to the cosmological antinomy of 1781. With the Theory of the Heavens (1755) and the Physical Monadology ( …
Erhard Scheibe: The Reduction of Physical Theories
Using simple physical examples, this work by Erhard Scheibe presents an important and powerful approach to the reduction of physical theories. Novel to the approach is that it is not based, as usual, …
Oliver Passon & Christoph Benzmüller: On Gödel and the Nonexistence of Time – Gödel und die Nichtexistenz der Zeit
Kurt Gödel was not just a brilliant logician but contributed also important results to the general theory of relativity. In the 1940s he found a solution to Einstein’s field equations which (roughly …
tiếng Đức
Thomas Kirchhoff & Nicole C. Karafyllis: Naturphilosophie
Naturphilosophie – von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart Was ist Natur oder was könnte sie sein? Diese und weitere Fragen sind grundlegend für Naturdenken und -handeln. Das Lehr- und Studienbuch bietet …
tiếng Đức
Brigitte Falkenburg: Mythos Determinismus
Aus der Sicht der Neurobiologie regiert im Kopf das neuronale Geschehen. Doch was wissen die Hirnforscher genau über die Mechanismen des Hirngeschehens und ihren Einfluss auf den menschlichen Geist? …
tiếng Đức
Thomas Kirchhoff & Nicole C. Karafyllis: Naturphilosophie
Naturphilosophie – von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart Was ist Natur oder was könnte sie sein? Diese und weitere Fragen sind grundlegend für Naturdenken und -handeln. Das Lehr- und Studienbuch bietet …
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