Frances Hodgson Burnett (1849-1924) – angielska pisarka, autorka powieści dla młodzieży. Debiutowała w 1877 roku powieścią “Panna Lowrie”. Łącznie opublikowała ok. 40 powieści, opisujących życiowe perypetie młodych bohaterów. W swoich utworach Burnett odnosi się do tradycji baśni dziecięcej i przekazuje wiarę w moralną siłę młodości. Jej najbardziej znane utwory takie jak “Mała Księżniczka” czy “Tajemniczy Ogród” doczekały się także ekranizacji filmowych.
9 Ebooks bởi Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Secret Garden
One of the most beloved children’s books of all time and the inspiration for a feature film, a television miniseries, and a Broadway musical, The Secret Garden is the best-known work of Frances Hodgs …
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Secret Garden
One of the most beloved children’s books of all time and the inspiration for a feature film, a television miniseries, and a Broadway musical, The Secret Garden is the best-known work of Frances Hodgs …
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Secret Garden
One of the most beloved children’s books of all time and the inspiration for a feature film, a television miniseries, and a Broadway musical, The Secret Garden is the best-known work of Frances Hodgs …
Frances Hodgson Burnett: Mały lord
Powieść o sile i potędze dziecięcej miłości, która sprawia, że obdarzony nią człowiek odzyskuje radość oraz sens życia. Jan Artur of Dorincourt jest hrabią zamieszkującym piękny zamek w Anglii. Wysta …
Tiếng Ba Lan
Frances Hodgson Burnett: Leynigarðurinn
‘Tveir verstu hlutirnir sem geta komið fyrir barn er að fá aldrei sínu framgengt – eða að fá öllu sínu framgengt.’ Þegar foreldrar Maríu, sem er bæði dekruð og vanrækt, falla frá þarf hún að ferðast …
tiếng Iceland
Frances Hodgson Burnett: Lítil prinsessa
Sara Crewe er miður sín þegar fregnir af skyndilegu andláti föður hennar berast frá Indlandi til heimavistarskólans í London. Skólameistarinn, sem er bæði hjartlaus og gráðug, flytur Söru tafarlaust …
tiếng Iceland
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Secret Garden
The Secret Garden is a novel by Frances Hodgson Burnett first published in book form in 1911, after serialization in The American Magazine (November 1910 – August 1911). When Mary Lennox, the unloved …
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Little Princess
Novelist’s Biography:Frances Hodgson Burnett was a British-American author born on November 24, 1849, in Manchester, England. She is best known for her children’s novels, including "Little Lord …
Burnett Frances Hodgson Burnett: Secret Garden: The Original 1911 Unabridged and Complete Edition (A Frances Hodgson Burnett Classics)
When orphaned Mary Lennox comes to live at her uncle’s great house on the Yorkshire Moors, she finds it full of secrets. The mansion has nearly one hundred rooms, and her uncle keeps himself locked u …