Tác giả: Camila Rocha

Ủng hộ
Camila Rocha holds a Ph D in Political Science from the University of São Paulo (USP), Brazil. Winner of the Brazilian Political Science Association”s best thesis award and the University of São Paulo”s Outstanding Thesis in Human Sciences award, she works as a parliamentary advisor, political consultant, and qualitative research coordinator for the third sector. She co-edited the book O Impeachment de Dilma Rousseff nas redes e nas ruas [“Dilma Rousseff”s Impeachment in Social Media and on the Streets”](Expressão Popular, Brazil, 2018) and wrote ‘Menos marx mais Mises’ O liberalismo e a nova direita no Brasil (‘Less Marx more Mises’ Liberalism and the New Brazilian Right) (Todavia, Brazil, 2021). Esther Solano Gallego is professor of International Relations at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP), Brazil. She holds a Ph D in Social Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, and currently conducts research on the Brazilian political crisis, conservatism and political behavior. She has edited the book O ódio como política [“Hate as Politics”] (Boitempo, Brazil, 2018) and co-edited the book O Impeachment de Dilma Rousseff nas redes e nas ruas [“Dilma Rousseff”s Impeachment in Social Media and on the Streets”](Expressão Popular, Brazil, 2018). Jonas Medeiros is a social scientist and a researcher at the Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning (CEBRAP), where he is a member of the Law and Democracy Nucleus (Núcleo Direito e Democracia). He holds a Ph D in Education from the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil, and currently researches public sphere, social movements, and critical theory. He co-authored Escolas de Luta [“Combative Schools”] (Veneta, Brazil, 2016) and co-edited Ocupar e Resistir: Movimentos de ocupação de escolas pelo Brasil (2015-2016) [“Occupy and Resist: School Occupation Movements across Brazil”] (Editora 34, Brazil, 2019).

4 Ebooks bởi Camila Rocha

Camila Rocha & Esther Solano: The Bolsonaro Paradox
This book presents the first in-depth academic investigation published in English about one of the most radical incarnations of the current global wave of new right-wing movements and governments: th …
Camila Rocha: Menos Marx, mais Mises
Em menos de dez anos, a nova direita brasileira saiu das redes sociais para angariar os votos de milhões de eleitores e conquistar o poder. Estudantes, empresários e simpatizantes do liberalismo se a …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Esther Solano & Camila Rocha: Feminismo em disputa
Como ampliar os direitos das brasileiras, contando com o apoio de mais mulheres, de diferentes vertentes políticas? Em um momento de extremo embate, com o governo mais conservador desde a redemocrati …
tiếng Bồ Đào Nha
Camila Rocha & Jones Manoel: Junho de 2013
A rebelião de 2013 chegou sem aviso prévio. Afinal, a economia emitia sinais de prosperidade, com taxa de crescimento. Mas em junho daquele ano, gigantescas multidões tomaram as ruas das principais c …
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