This book presents four plays by Caridad Svich that explore the rough waters of citizenship under the pressure of globalization and the threads of human connection – often tested, but never wholly severed – across multiple geographic landscapes. Featuring an introduction by Welsh playwright and director Ian Rowlands and essays by practitioners Zac Kline, Blair Baker, Neil Scharnick, Carla Melo and Sherrine Azab, this wide-ranging, daring collection of plays refuses to pretend that the complex and thorny questions of existence are easily settled.
Mục lục
A Sense of Prayer in a Landscape of Catastrophe: The Plays of Caridad Svich
Ian Rowlands
Who Is It For? Practice, Spectatorship and the Body
Caridad Svich
Preacher in the Light; The Hour of All Things
Blair Baker and Zac Kline
The Hour of All Things
Caridad Svich
An Invitation to Dream: The Breath of Stars
Neil Kristian Scharnick
We Are All Still Here: Re-Existing Upon the Fragile Shore
Carla Melo
Upon the Fragile Shore
Caridad Svich
An Aria for Detroit: agua de luna (psalms for the rouge)
Sherrine Azab
agua de luna (psalms for the rogue)
Caridad Svich
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Caridad Svich is a playwright, songwriter, and translator. She is recipient of a 2012 OBIE for Lifetime Achievement.