Tác giả: Carol Bakhos

Ủng hộ
Nach dem Studium u.a. der Germanistik und Romanistik in Salzburg lebte Dr. Armin Eidherr von 1993 bis 1998 in Chile und Italien. Seit 2010 ist er Professor für »Jüdische Kulturgeschichte unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Jiddistik und Deutsch-Jüdischen Literatur« an der Universität Salzburg.

9 Ebooks bởi Carol Bakhos

Armin Eidherr: Sonnenuntergang auf eisig-blauen Wegen
Welche Traditionsstränge prägen die jiddische Literatur? Was sind die Voraussetzungen für das Verständnis jiddischer literarischer Werke? Wie werden Sprache und Diasporaerfahrungen charakteristischer …
tiếng Đức
Carol Bakhos & Michael Cook: Islam and its Past
Islam and its Past: Jahiliyya, Late Antiquity, and the Qur’an brings together scholars from various disciplines and fields to consider Islamic revelation, with particular focus on the Qur’an. The col …
Carol Bakhos & Michael Cook: Islam and its Past
Islam and its Past: Jahiliyya, Late Antiquity, and the Qur’an brings together scholars from various disciplines and fields to consider Islamic revelation, with particular focus on the Qur’an. The col …
Michal Bar-Asher Siegal & Tzvi Novick: The Faces of Torah
This volume is a festschrift in honor of Steven Fraade, the Mark Taper Professor of the History of Judaism at Yale University. The contributions to the volume, written by colleagues and former studen …
Carol Bakhos & Gerhard Langer: Das jüdische Mittelalter
Biblical women are widely received in the Jewish tradition. This is first shown by individual female figures such as Sara, Eve, Ester, Judith and the ‘capable woman’ from the Book of Proverbs. Ester …
tiếng Đức
Carol Bakhos: Ishmael on the Border
Explores rabbinic views of Ishmael, the biblical figure seen as the first Arab. Ishmael on the Border is an in-depth study of the rabbinic treatment of Abraham’s firstborn son, Ishmael. This book exa …
Michael Tilly & Burton L. Visotzky: Judaism II
Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray …
Michael Tilly & Burton L. Visotzky: Judaism II
Judaism, the oldest of the Abrahamic religions, is one of the pillars of modern civilization. A collective of internationally renowned experts cooperated in a singular academic enterprise to portray …
Carol Bakhos: Family of Abraham
The term "Abrahamic religions" has gained considerable currency in both scholarly and ecumenical circles as a way of referring to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In The Family of Abraham, …