Dr Geoffrey Elliott is Professor of Post-Compulsory Education at the University of Worcester. He has worked in schools, further and adult education, and has previously held posts in the School of Independent Study at the University of East London, and the Open University where he taught on the Professional Doctorate programme in Education. His research interests are in Leadership, Ethics, and Widening Participation in Higher Education. Geoffrey is President of the Association for Research in Post-Compulsory Education, the sponsor of the international peer reviewed journal Research in Post-Compulsory Education which he has edited since its launch in 1996. He has written and co-authored a number of books, including (with Carol Costley and Paul Gibbs) the highly popular Doing Work Based Research: Approaches to enquiry for insider-researchers, also published by Sage. Geoffrey is currently a member of the Board of Directors of the Office of the Independent Adjudicator for Higher Education (OIA), the complaints ombudsman for HE students studying in England and Wales.
4 Ebooks bởi Carol Costley
Carol Costley & Paul Gibbs: Doing Work Based Research
With the growth of work based learning and practitioner research this book leads the way by addressing key issues faced by ′insider-researchers′ – learners, practitioners and managers doing research …
Carol Costley & John Fulton: Methodologies for Practice Research
Order your digital inspection copy here. Sharp and focused, this book provides the need-to-know information on how to design and implement a good, high quality research project. Oriented a …
Carol Costley & John Fulton: Methodologies for Practice Research
Order your digital inspection copy here. Sharp and focused, this book provides the need-to-know information on how to design and implement a good, high quality research project. Oriented a …
Carol Costley & Geoffrey C Elliott: Doing Work Based Research
With the growth of work based learning and practitioner research this book leads the way by addressing key issues faced by ‘insider-researchers’ – learners, practitioners and managers doing research …