Tác giả: Caroline Moine

Ủng hộ
Kirstin Buchinger, Dr. phil., ist wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der FU Berlin. Claire Gantet, Dr. phil. habil., ist Historikerin an der Universität Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne und Privatdozentin an der FU Berlin. Jakob Vogel ist Professor für Neuere Geschichte an der Universität Köln.

4 Ebooks bởi Caroline Moine

Caroline Moine: Screened Encounters
Established in 1955, the Leipzig International Documentary Film Festival became a central arena for staging the cultural politics of the German Democratic Republic, both domestically and in relation …
Kirstin Buchinger & Claire Gantet: Europäische Erinnerungsräume
Die Verknüpfung kollektiver Erinnerung mit konkreten Orten ist ein gängiger Topos der historischen Gedächtnisforschung. Die Autorinnen und Autoren des Bandes gehen dieser Verankerung auf europäischer …
tiếng Đức
Andreas Kötzing & Caroline Moine: Cultural Transfer and Political Conflicts
Film festivals during the Cold War were fraught with the political and social tensions that dominated the world at the time. While film was becoming an increasingly powerful medium, the European fest …
Michael Amico & Agnes Arndt: Feeling Political
Historicizing both emotions and politics, this open access book argues that the historical work of emotion is most clearly understood in terms of the dynamics of institutionalization. This is shown i …