Thời hiện đại đến 1918 Ủng hộSách điện tửKhoa học con ngườiLịch sửChung, Từ điển bách khoaLịch sử trước và sớmLịch sử, Cổ vậtThời trung cổThời hiện đại đến 1918Thế kỷ 20 cho đến năm 1945Lịch sử đương đại (từ năm 1945)Lịch sử khu vựcLịch sử văn hóa3.476 Ebooks trong thể loại này Adam Clulow: Amboina, 1623 In 1623, a Japanese mercenary called Shichizō was arrested for asking suspicious questions about the defenses of a Dutch East India Company fort on Amboina, a remote set of islands in what is now eas … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €67.99 David Malkiel: Strangers in Yemen Strangers in Yemen is a study of travel to Yemen in the nineteenth century by Jews, Christians and Muslims. The travelers include a missionary, artist, scientist, rabbi, merchant, adventurer and sold … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €99.95 Christopher Gogwilt & Holt Meyer: Westernness The word ‘West’ is omnipresent and often unquestioned. The goal of this volume is to elaborate a critical reflection on this concept and make these implicit processes explicit. The articles focus on … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €79.95 Ágoston Berecz: Empty Signs, Historical Imaginaries Set in a multiethnic region of the nineteenth-century Habsburg Empire, this thoroughly interdisciplinary study maps out how the competing Romanian, Hungarian and German nationalization projects dealt … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €35.99 John Rees: The Leveller Revolution The Levellers, formed out of the explosive tumult of the 1640s and the battlefields of the Civil War, are central figures in the history of democracy. In this thrilling narrative, John Rees brings to … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €22.99 György Majtényi: Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary After World War II, a new community of elite emerged in Hungary, in spite of the communist principles espoused by the government. In Luxury and the Ruling Elite in Socialist Hungary , György Majtényi … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €30.99 Mark Hailwood: Alehouses and Good Fellowship in Early Modern England Representing a history of drinking ‘from below’, this book explores the role of the alehouse in seventeenth-century English society. This book provides a history of the alehouse between the years 155 … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €30.99 Gundolf Graml: Revisiting Austria Following the transformations and conflicts of the first half of the twentieth century, Austria’s emergence as an independent democracy heralded a new era of stability and prosperity for the nation. … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €35.99 Balázs Ablonczy: Go East! For more than two centuries, Hungarians believed they shared an ethnic link with people of Japanese, Bulgarian, Estonian, Finnish, and Turkic descent. Known as ‘Turanism, ‘ this ideology impacts Hung … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €33.99 Britta McEwen: Sexual Knowledge Vienna’s unique intellectual, political, and religious traditions had a powerful impact on the transformation of sexual knowledge in the early twentieth century. Whereas turn-of-the-century sexology, … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €35.99 Trang tiếp theo >>> 0 0 Thủ tục thanh toán 0,00 × × × Thay đổi ngôn ngữ người dùng × tiếng Ả Rậptiếng ĐứcAnhtiếng Tây Ban Nhatiếng Pháptiếng Hinditiếng Indonesiatiếng Ýtiếng Mã Laitiếng Hòa lantiếng Ba lanNgôn ngữ Bồ Đào Nhatiếng Ru-ma-nitiếng NgaNgôn ngữ Thụy Điểntiếng Thái Lantiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳtiếng Ukrainatiếng Việttiếng TàuInternational Modal ×