Thế kỷ 20 cho đến năm 1945 Ủng hộSách điện tửPhi hư cấuLịch sửTiểu sử, Tự truyệnTài liệu tham khảo chungLịch sử khu vựcLịch sử trước và sớm, cổ đạiThời trung cổThời hiện đại đến 1918Thế kỷ 20 cho đến năm 1945Lịch sử từ năm 1945Khác4.331 Ebooks trong thể loại này Jerry Moriarity: Picking the Bones of Eleven Presidents and Others It was my luck to learn from Jerry Moriarity what integrity in journalism is all about. Lloyd Schermer, former president of Lee Enterprises Should you be travelling to this area in October or Novembe … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €4.49 Earle Looker & Arthur Hayne Mitchell: Colonel Roosevelt and the White House Gang When Theodore Roosevelt became president at age forty-two upon the assassination of William Mc Kinley, he was the youngest President to have ever served then and now – and was father to six children, … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €4.49 Nikki Schofield: Confederates in Canada When Confederates from Canada set fire to New York City hotels, Anathea awakens Raiford to help her rescue two children whose father dies. Raiford takes the orphans to their grandparents in Canada wh … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €4.49 Laila Haidarali: Brown Beauty Examines how the media influenced ideas of race and beauty among African American women from the Harlem Renaissance to World War II. Between the Harlem Renaissance and the end of World War II, a comp … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €36.99 H. J. Eckenrode & Bryan Conrad: James Longstreet James Longstreet stood with Robert E. Lee and Stonewall Jackson in the great triumvirate of the Army of Northern Virginia. He fought from First Manassas through Appomattox and served as Lee’s senior … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 Craig H. Roell: The Piano in America, 1890-1940 Roell uses company records and the popular press to chronicle the piano industry through changing values, business strategies, economic conditions, and technology. For Roell, as for the industry, mus … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €30.99 E. Merton Coulter: The Civil War and Readjustment in Kentucky The purpose of this study was to discover what was typical in the history and character of the state during the period of the Civil War and the readjustment that followed. The author explains the ear … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €40.99 Daniel O’Flaherty: General Jo Shelby This vivid work, first published by UNC Press in 1954, reveals General Joseph Orville Shelby as one of the best Confederate cavalry leaders–and certainly the most colorful. Born in Lexington, Kentuc … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €19.99 Joan Shelley Rubin: The Making of Middlebrow Culture The proliferation of book clubs, reading groups, ‘outline’ volumes, and new forms of book reviewing in the first half of the twentieth century influenced the tastes and pastimes of millions of Americ … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €30.99 Anne M. Kornhauser: Debating the American State The New Deal left a host of political, institutional, and economic legacies. Among them was the restructuring of the government into an administrative state with a powerful executive leader and a lar … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €82.99 Trang tiếp theo >>> 0 0 Thủ tục thanh toán 0,00 × × × Thay đổi ngôn ngữ người dùng × tiếng Ả Rậptiếng ĐứcAnhtiếng Tây Ban Nhatiếng Pháptiếng Hinditiếng Indonesiatiếng Ýtiếng Mã Laitiếng Hòa lantiếng Ba lanNgôn ngữ Bồ Đào Nhatiếng Ru-ma-nitiếng NgaNgôn ngữ Thụy Điểntiếng Thái Lantiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳtiếng Ukrainatiếng Việttiếng TàuInternational Modal ×