Thế kỷ 20 cho đến năm 1945 Ủng hộSách điện tửPhi hư cấuLịch sửTiểu sử, Tự truyệnTài liệu tham khảo chungLịch sử khu vựcLịch sử trước và sớm, cổ đạiThời trung cổThời hiện đại đến 1918Thế kỷ 20 cho đến năm 1945Lịch sử từ năm 1945Khác4.318 Ebooks trong thể loại này Hilary N. Green: Unforgettable Sacrifice Rediscover the Civil War through the voices that refused to be silenced Unforgettable Sacrifice offers a groundbreaking exploration into the heart of African American memory of the Civil War, challen … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €35.99 Gene Schmiel: My Dearest Lilla Jacob D. Cox experienced more facets of the Civil War than most officers: by land and sea, in both Western and Eastern Theaters, among the inner political circles of Ohio and Washington, DC, in terri … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €32.99 Matt Spruill: Decisions of the Seven Days From June 25 to July 1, 1862, Gen. Robert E. Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia engaged Maj. Gen. George B. Mc Clellan’s Army of the Potomac in a series of battles at the end of the Peninsula Campaign t … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 James Lee Mcdonough: Five Tragic Hours On a November afternoon in 1864, the weary Gen. John Bell Hood surveyed the army waiting to attack the Federals at Franklin, Tennessee. He gave the signal almost at dusk, and the Confederates rushed … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 Matt Spruill: Decisions at Gettysburg The Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg have inspired scrutiny from virtually every angle. Standing out amid the voluminous scholarship, this book is not merely one more narrative history of the events … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 Lawrence K. Peterson: Decisions at Perryville The largest battle fought in Kentucky during the American Civil War occurred at a small, crossroads town named Perryville. As Gen. Braxton Bragg’s Confederate Heartland Offensive sputtered through Ke … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 Edward B. McCaul Jr.: To Retain Command of the Mississippi The Mississippi River was a strategic priority for the Union army from the outset of the American Civil War. By controlling the Mississippi, the North’s military forces could effectively split the Co … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €34.99 M. Jane Johansson: New Fields of Adventure Lyman Gibson Bennett (1832–1904) had a curious mind and a keen sense of humor. He had an engineer’s mentality and a poet’s grasp of language, except for spelling. As a Union soldier, Bennett saw exte … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €32.99 Matt Spruill: Summer Lightning From August 28 to August 30, 1862, Union and Confederate armies fought for the second time on the Manassas, Virginia, battlefield. The Battle of Second Manassas, or Second Bull Run, was the culminati … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €26.99 Lawrence K. Peterson: Decisions at Kennesaw Mountain As Gen. William Tecumseh Sherman swept through Georgia in 1864, he fought several small battles against an ever-retreating Gen. Joseph E. Johnston who had replaced the beleaguered Gen. Braxton Bragg … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €20.99 Trang tiếp theo >>> 0 0 Thủ tục thanh toán 0,00 × × × Thay đổi ngôn ngữ người dùng × tiếng Ả Rậptiếng ĐứcAnhtiếng Tây Ban Nhatiếng Pháptiếng Hinditiếng Indonesiatiếng Ýtiếng Mã Laitiếng Hòa lantiếng Ba lanNgôn ngữ Bồ Đào Nhatiếng Ru-ma-nitiếng NgaNgôn ngữ Thụy Điểntiếng Thái Lantiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳtiếng Ukrainatiếng Việttiếng TàuInternational Modal ×