Các tôn giáo khác Ủng hộSách điện tửPhi hư cấuTriết học / Tôn giáoTiểu sử, Tự truyệnTriết học – Tổng quátTriết học – Cổ đại đến đương đạiTôn giáo chungTôn giáo Kitô giáoCác tôn giáo khácKhác364 Ebooks trong thể loại này Arthur Kurzweil: The Torah For Dummies An easy-to-understand introduction to Judaism’s most sacred text The foundation of Hebrew and Jewish religion, thought, law, and society is the Torah-the parchment scroll containing the text of the F … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €16.99 Sohaib Sultan: The Koran For Dummies With the current turmoil in the Middle East, there is a growing interest about Islam–the world’s second largest religion and one of the fastest growing–and its holy book, the Koran (or Qur’an). Now … EPUB Anh Adobe DRM €16.99 Saskia John: Retreat Into Darkness In 2003 and 2005, the author experienced two dark therapy retreats. For a period of 12 and 24 days, respectively, in the confines of a completely darkened room, and in the absence of any external dis … EPUB Anh €7.99 Yale University. Divinity School: Religion and the War In ‘Religion and the War, ‘ the Yale University Divinity School engages in a profound exploration of the interplay between faith and conflict, scrutinizing the multifaceted roles that religion plays … EPUB Anh €1.99 Yale University. Divinity School: Religion and the War In ‘Religion and the War’, Yale University Divinity School delves into the intricate relationship between spirituality and conflict, offering a nuanced exploration of how religious narratives shape, … EPUB Anh €1.99 Mahendra Nath Gupta: The Gospel of Ramakrishna In ‘The Gospel of Ramakrishna, ‘ Mahendra Nath Gupta presents a profound and comprehensive articulation of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, a seminal figure in modern Hindu thought. Gupta employs a … EPUB Anh €1.99 Frank G. Speck: Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa In ‘Myths and Folk-lore of the Timiskaming Algonquin and Timagami Ojibwa, ‘ Frank G. Speck offers a profound exploration of the oral traditions and cultural narratives of these Indigenous groups in C … EPUB Anh €1.99 Richard Carlile: The Character of a Priest In ‘The Character of a Priest, ‘ Richard Carlile embarks on a rigorous exploration of religious authority and its implications within society. Employing a polemical yet engaging literary style, Carli … EPUB Anh €1.99 Allah: The Quran The Quran, revered as the holy book of Islam, is a profound compilation of divine revelations received by the Prophet Muhammad over a span of twenty-three years. Written in classical Arabic, its lite … EPUB Anh €1.99 Myron Eells: Hymns in the Chinook Jargon Language In ‘Hymns in the Chinook Jargon Language, ‘ Myron Eells offers a poignant exploration of spiritual expression within the unique linguistic landscape of the Chinook Jargon. This collection harmonizes … EPUB Anh €1.99 Trang tiếp theo >>> 0 0 Thủ tục thanh toán 0,00 × × × Thay đổi ngôn ngữ người dùng × tiếng Ả Rậptiếng ĐứcAnhtiếng Tây Ban Nhatiếng Pháptiếng Hinditiếng Indonesiatiếng Ýtiếng Mã Laitiếng Hòa lantiếng Ba lanNgôn ngữ Bồ Đào Nhatiếng Ru-ma-nitiếng NgaNgôn ngữ Thụy Điểntiếng Thái Lantiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳtiếng Ukrainatiếng Việttiếng TàuInternational Modal ×