About the Editors:Shanshan Du (Ph.D., University of Illinois) is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Tulane University. She authored Chopsticks Only Work in Pairs: Gender Unity and Gender Equality among the Lahu of Southwest China (Columbia University Press) and co-edited “Negotiating Women”s Roles and Power: The Practice of World Religions in Contemporary Asia” (a special issue of Religion). She is a recipient of fellowships from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation and the Mellon Foundation/ACLS. Ya-chen Chen is Assistant Professor of Foreign Literature and Director of Chinese Language Program at Clark University, and formerly affiliated with the City University of New York (with the same titles and Asian Studies Director), in both of which this book was prepared. Her academic books include Farewell My Concubine: Same-Sex Readings and Cross-Cultural Dialogues (2004); Women in Taiwan: Sociocultural Perspectives (2009); Higher Education in East Asia: Neoliberalism and the Professoriate (2009); and The Many Dimensions of Chinese Feminism (2011).Contributors: Monica Cable, Hillary Crane, William R. Jankowiak, Shao-hua Liu, Murray A. Rubinstein, Lihong Shi, Chia-lin Pao Tao, Rubie S. Watson, James Wilkerson
6 Ebooks bởi Chia-lin Pao Tao
Ya-chen Chen & Shanshan Du: Women and Gender in Contemporary Chinese Societies
Recent attention to historical, geographic, and class differences in the studies of women and gender in China has expanded our understanding of the diversity and complexity of gendered China. Neverth …
Yenna Wu: Li Ang’s Visionary Challenges to Gender, Sex, and Politics
Li Ang (1952) is a famous and prolific feminist writer from Taiwan who challenges and subverts sociocultural traditions through her daring explorations of sex, violence, women’s bodies and desire, an …
Chia-lin Pao Tao & 鮑家麟: It’s Fun To Study Chinese (Bilingual Edition)
本書所選的笑話和故事簡短不囉嗦,而且學生在學習過程中會感受到無窮的樂趣。學生在短短的時間裡,就可讀完一篇,因而獲得成就感,也避免了念冗長文章所帶來的挫折感。 本書選取的笑話和故事有中國的,也有西方的。每個笑話和故事都是中文版與英文版並列,繁體字與簡體字也先後並列。文後提供生詞說明和拼音。本書可用為中級或高級中文課學生的補充讀物,也可以作為老師們上中文課的調味料之用。老師在中文課上了一個段落的時候 …
Chia-lin Pao Tao & 鮑家麟: 以筆墨弘揚佛法:星雲大師與弘一大師: Teaching Buddhism Through Calligraphy
中國的書法藝術是中華文化中的瑰寶,在國粹中名列前茅。在世界藝術史中,它亦獨樹一幟。世界上惟一將古來文字發展為藝術的,只有中華文化,而世界上好幾位佛教高僧也都以書法名世;他們發願救苦救難普度眾生,這些悅目的墨寶既是他們的喉舌,也都是向眾生開示的工具。作者透過星雲大師和和弘一大師的墨寶,帶領讀者進入中國文化的精華領域:「人身難得,中土難生,佛法難聞。」在佛光山的牆上,就有星雲大師寫的:『人身難得今已 …
tiếng Trung Quốc
Chia-lin Pao Tao & 鮑家麟: 林雲大師的勸善墨寶:創新的書法藝術: Master Lin Yun’s Calligraphy
中國的書法藝術是中華文化中的瑰寶,在國粹中名列前茅。在世界藝術史中,它亦獨樹一幟。世界上惟一將古來文字發展為藝術的,只有中華文化,而世界上好幾位佛教高僧也都以書法名世;他們發願救苦救難普渡眾生,這些悅目的墨寶既是他們的喉舌,也都是向眾生開示的工具。本書搜集了林雲大師豐富的作品,書中所挑選的字畫,不僅展現了林雲大師書法的多樣性,也展現了作者自身書法的造詣及對書法的喜愛。 鮑家麟,美國印第安那大學歷 …
tiếng Trung Quốc
Chia-lin Pao Tao & 鮑家麟: 嘉霖散文集
本書蒐錄知名學者鮑家麟教授40件雋永作品──我們那一代的見聞、經歷、感想和回憶。是鮑家麟教授在課餘,興之所至,以嘉霖筆名所寫。大部份在世界日報和亞省時報刊出。書中文章的類別可分解憂﹑勵志﹑歷史﹑教學﹑家在圖桑及其他。 本書為《臺大人回憶錄叢書》之一,是臺大人文庫系列作品。 序言 這是我繼’婦女問題隨想錄之二:沙漠甘霖 …
tiếng Trung Quốc