Tác giả: Christina Petterson

Ủng hộ
Christina Petterson is an independent scholar and works in the field of ancient and early modern history. She is the author of From Tomb to Text: The Body of Jesus in the Book of John (2017).

12 Ebooks bởi Christina Petterson

Robert J. Myles: Class Struggle in the New Testament
Class Struggle in the New Testament engages the political and economic realities of the first century to unmask the mediation of class through several New Testament texts and traditions. Essays span …
Christina Petterson: From Tomb to Text
The idea of writing plays a central role in John. Apart from the many references to scriptural texts, John emphasizes the role of writing in the inscription on the cross and in its own production. Pe …
Christina Petterson: Acts of Empire, Second Edition
This book combines New Testament studies and cultural theory, and analyzes Acts of the Apostles as a product of imperial discourse. In five chapters, Christina Petterson engages Acts with ideology, g …
Felicity Jensz & Christina Petterson: Legacies of David Cranz’s ‘Historie von Grönland’ (1765)
This book brings together interdisciplinary scholars from history, theology, folklore, ethnology and meteorology to examine how David Cranz’s Historie von Grönland (1765) resonated in various discipl …
TINE DAMSHOLT & MARIE RIEGELS MELCHIOR: Crossroads of Heritage and Religion
Looking at the crossroads between heritage and religion through the case study of Moravian Christiansfeld, designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in July 2015, this anthology reaches back to the …
Petterson Christina Petterson: Early Capitalism in Colonial Missions
Drawing on unpublished archival material, this volume compares Moravian economic practice in three different mission-settings, to demonstrate how Moravian practices evolved during the 18th century as …
Michael Nobel Hviid & Christina Petterson: En by på kongens mark
I anledning af brødremenighedsbyen Christiansfelds 250-års jubilæum kaster danske og udenlandske forskere nyt lys over forudsætningerne for grundlæggelsen i 1773 og etableringen af den by, som stod f …
Tiếng Đan Mạch
Christina Petterson: From Tomb to Text
The idea of writing plays a central role in John. Apart from the many references to scriptural texts, John emphasizes the role of writing in the inscription on the cross and in its own production. Pe …
Felicity Jensz & Christina Petterson: Vermächtnisse von David Cranz’ ‘Historie von Grönland’ (1765)
Dieses Buch bringt interdisziplinäre Wissenschaftler aus den Bereichen Geschichte, Theologie, Volkskunde, Ethnologie und Meteorologie zusammen, um zu untersuchen, wie David Cranz’ Historie von Grönla …
tiếng Đức
Udo Sträter: Pietismus und Neuzeit Band 48/49 – 2022/2023
Der neue kapitale Doppelband 48/49, reichlich 430 Seiten stark, bietet zunächst in zwei Paketen Tagungsbeiträge: die von einer Tagung in Wolfenbüttel im April 2023, veranstaltet von dem am Interdiszi …
tiếng Đức