Tác giả: Christophe Dupont

Ủng hộ
GUY OLIVIER FAURE is a professor of sociology at the Sorbonne University and trains negotiators with UNESCO, the European Union, and the World Trade Organization. He has written or edited fifteen books on negotiation and conflict resolution, including most recently Negotiating with Terrorists: Strategy, Tactics, and Politics.

3 Ebooks bởi Christophe Dupont

Guy Olivier Faure: Unfinished Business
Most studies of international negotiations take successful talks as their subject. With a few notable exceptions, analysts have paid little attention to negotiations ending in failure. The essays in …
Victor Kremenyuk & William I. Zartman: Peace versus Justice
This book examines the costs and benefits of ending the fighting in a range of conflicts, and probes the reasons why negotiators provide, or fail to provide, resolutions that go beyond just ‘stopping …
Christophe Dupont & Noel Peretti: Alimentation de l”enfant et de l”adolescent
Les ouvrages de la collection sont écrits par les spécialistes du domaine pour les pédiatres hospitaliers et libéraux ainsi que pour les médecins généralistes . Précis et didactiques, ils fournissent …
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