The Persuasion Code
Capture, convince, and close–scientifically
Most of your attempts to persuade are doomed to fail because the brains of your audience automatically reject messages that disrupt their attention. This book makes the complex science of persuasion simple. Learn to develop better marketing and sales messages based on a scientific model; Neuro Map(TM). Regardless of your level of expertise in marketing, neuromarketing, neuroscience or psychology: The Persuasion Code: How Neuromarketing Can Help You Persuade Anyone, Anywhere, Anytime will make your personal and business lives more successful by unveiling a credible and practical approach towards creating a breakthrough persuasion strategy.
This book will satisfy your interest in neuromarketing, scientific persuasion, sales, advertising effectiveness, website conversion, marketing strategy and sales presentations. It’ll teach you the value of the award-winning persuasion model Neuro Map¯TM : the only model based on the science of how your customers use their brain to make any decision including a buying decision. You will appreciate why this scientific approach has helped hundreds of companies and thousands of executives achieve remarkable results.
* Written by the founders of Sales Brain who pioneered the field of neuromarketing
* Sales Brain has trained more than 100, 000 executives worldwide including over 15, 000 CEO
* Includes guidance for creating your own neuromarketing plan
* Advance your business or career by creating persuasive messages based on the working principle of the brain.
Mục lục
Acknowledgments vii
About the Authors ix
Why Read This Book? xi
Introduction xvii
Chapter 1 Why Is Neuromarketing a Game Changer? 3
Chapter 2 The Neuroscience of Persuasion 19
Chapter 3 Neuro Map: A Brain-Based Persuasion Theory 41
Chapter 4 Applying Six Stimuli to Persuade the Primal Brain 59
Chapter 5 Diagnose the Pain 115
Chapter 6 Differentiate Your Claims 131
Chapter 7 Demonstrate the Gain 141
Chapter 8 Deliver to the Primal Brain 165
Conclusion 283
Appendix: Neuro Map Simplified Neuro Scoring Tool 289
References 297
Index 317
Giới thiệu về tác giả
CHRISTOPHE MORIN, PHD, is an expert on the effect of advertising on the brain. He is an adjunct faculty member of Fielding Graduate University, where he teaches courses in Media Neuroscience. He is the recipient of multiple speaking and research awards. He co-founded Sales Brain in 2002.
PATRICK RENVOISE, an expert in complex sales, teaches new messaging strategies based on brain science. By using the latest discoveries in cognitive biases, he has helped hundreds of companies and thousands of professionals close complex deals worth billions of dollars. Patrick co-founded Sales Brain and has received numerous marketing and speaking awards.