Tác giả: Claus Kreß

Ủng hộ
Dr. iur. Constantin von der Groeben holds a Ph D from the University of Cologne and an LLM in international legal studies from the New York University School of Law. He studied law at both the University of Heidelberg and the University of Cologne, during which time he was awarded a scholarship by the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes). Dr. von der Groeben has taught courses in international humanitarian law and EU law in Bogotá, Colombia prior to pursuing his two year legal clerkship (Referendariat) in Berlin. During his time as a law clerk he worked for the district court of Charlottenburg, the office of the prosecutor in Berlin, the German Foreign Ministry, a prestigious international law firm in London, and the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag). Dr. von der Groeben currently practices constitutional, administrative and European law in Berlin.

5 Ebooks bởi Claus Kreß

Constantin von der Groeben: Transnational Conflicts and International Law
Ever since 9/11 the legal classification of transnational conflicts between states and non-state armed groups, such as Al Qaeda, has become a highly debated topic. While repeatedly referred to as the …
Claus Kreß: Estudios sobre la Parte especial del Derecho internacional penal
Esta obra compila seis aportes a la Parte especial del Derecho internacional penal escritos por el profesor Claus Kreß (Universidad de Colonia, Alemania) entre los años 2001 y 2018.Los tres primeros …
tiếng Tây Ban Nha
Claus Kreß: Paris 1919–1920: Frieden durch Recht?
‘Paris 1919-1920: Frieden durch Recht?’ – In diesem Band, der Essays aus den Federn des Historikers Markus Payk, des Politikwissenschaftlers Herfried Münkler sowie der Rechtswissenschaftler Claus Kre …
tiếng Đức
Kai Ambos: Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court
Ambos, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court The Commentary, founded by the late Otto Triffterer, is the leading commentary on the Rome Statute. The editor and a number of eminent legal pr …
Claus Kreß & Tabasom Djourabi-Asadabadi: In Honour of Benjamin B. Ferencz
Zu Ehren von Benjamin B. Ferencz dokumentiert dieser bebilderte Band den Festakt anlässlich der Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität zu Köln an den re …