Tác giả: Cyprian Broodbank

Ủng hộ
Cyprian Broodbank ist Professor für Archäologie an University of Cambridge and director of the Mc Donald Institute for Archaeological Research.

3 Ebooks bởi Cyprian Broodbank

Cyprian Broodbank: Die Geburt der mediterranen Welt
Seit der Frühzeit des Menschen hat das Mittelmeer die Welt unserer Vorfahren nachhaltig geprägt. Der Archäologe Cyprian Broodbank entwirft ein grandioses historisches Panorama dieses Meeres – von den …
tiếng Đức
Cyprian Broodbank: Making of the Middle Sea
A masterpiece of archaeological and historical writing, ‘The Making of the Middle Sea’ is extensively illustrated and ranges across disciplines, subject matter and chronology from early humans to the …
Cyprian Broodbank: The Making of the Middle Sea: A History of the Mediterranean from the Beginning to the Emergence of the Classical World
An award-winning history of the Mediterranean from prehistory to the Classical world reissued with an extended new preface by the author. For millennia, the Mediterranean has been one of the global c …