Tác giả: Cyrus Samimi

Ủng hộ
Dominik Faust ist Lehrstuhlinhaber für Physische Geographie an der TU Dresden. Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte liegen in den Bereichen Bodengeographie, Geomorphologie, Bodenerosion, Eiszeitalter, Holozän, Subtropen.

2 Ebooks bởi Cyrus Samimi

Han van Dijk & Angela Kronenburg Garcia: Drylands Facing Change
This edited volume examines the changes that arise from the entanglement of global interests and narratives with the local struggles that have always existed in the drylands of Africa, the Middle Eas …
Han van Dijk & Angela Kronenburg Garcia: Drylands Facing Change
This edited volume examines the changes that arise from the entanglement of global interests and narratives with the local struggles that have always existed in the drylands of Africa, the Middle Eas …