D. M. Cain si è laureata in psicologia e letteratura inglese prima di trasferirsi in Giappone a insegnare inglese per due anni. Una volta tornata in Inghilterra, ha cominciato a lavorare come maestra delle elementari. Scrittrice fin dall”età di tredici anni, la Cain ha prodotto un”infinità di racconti e romanzi. Il suo primo romanzo, pubblicato a Maggio 2014, s”intitola “The Phoenix Project” ed è un thriller psicologico ambientato in un futuro distopico. Cronache del Caos, il primo libro della sua serie fantasy per ragazzi, è stato pubblicato a Ottobre 2014. Al momento sta lavorando sul romanzo successivo, Lo Scudo di Soren. La Cain al momento vive a Leicestershire con il marito e il figlio.
27 Ebooks bởi D. M. Cain
D.M. Cain: O Projeto Phoenix
A medida que a violencia e os ataques terroristas se tornam prevalentes, o mundo desce para o caos. Indignados pela ilegalidade, os cidadaos exigem um sistema penal mais severo e o Projeto Phoenix na …
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D.M. Cain: Sorens Schild
Der Jugendliche Soren ist der Schüler des legendären Kriegers Raven Lennox. Im Alter von 16 Jahren soll Soren im ewigen Krieg gegen die Bruderschaft des Schattens kämpfen. Er scheint sich aber mehr f …
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D.M. Cain: Origem da Sombra
A voz invadiu sua mente, soando em toda parte e em lugar nenhum, ensurdecedora e, de alguma forma, um sussurro: – Está pronto para descobrir a verdade? Herdeiro de um infame sindicato do crime, …
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D.M. Cain: A Chronicle Of Chaos
In a realm ravaged by war, The Brotherhood of Shadow and The Children of Light will stop at nothing to destroy each other. Chaos is a warrior who fights for the Children Of The Light, in the name of …
D.M. Cain: The Shield of Soren
Young Soren is the apprentice of legendary warrior, Raven Lennox. At the age of sixteen, Soren is expected to fight in the eternal war against the Brotherhood of Shadow – but he seems to be more inte …
D.M. Cain: Genesis Of Light
Warring countries, fantastical creatures, beings of terrible power and journeys of epic scale. The legendary Book of Alcherys tells wild and unimaginable stories. But they are not mere fairy tales. T …
D.M. Cain: The Phoenix Project
In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While strug …
D.M. Cain: A Chronicle Of Chaos
In a realm ravaged by war, The Brotherhood of Shadow and The Children of Light will stop at nothing to destroy each other. Chaos is a warrior who fights for the Children Of The Light, in the name of …
D.M. Cain: Cronache del Caos
In un mondo consumato dalla guerra, il destino di due guerrieri sta per incrociarsi con conseguenze che cambieranno il mondo. Chaos è un soldato dei Figli della Luce e combatte nel nome del destino, …
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D.M. Cain: The Shield of Soren
Young Soren is the apprentice of legendary warrior, Raven Lennox. At the age of sixteen, Soren is expected to fight in the eternal war against the Brotherhood of Shadow – but he seems to be more inte …
D.M. Cain: Origin Of Shadow
The voice broke into his thoughts, everywhere and nowhere at once, deafening, yet somehow a whisper. ‘Are you ready to learn the truth?’ Heir to a notorious crime syndicate, sixteen-year-old Vincent …
D.M. Cain: Genesis Of Light
Warring countries, fantastical creatures, beings of terrible power and journeys of epic scale. The legendary Book of Alcherys tells wild and unimaginable stories. But they are not mere fairy tales. T …
D.M. Cain: Crónicas do Caos
Num mundo devastado pela guerra, os caminhos de dois guerreiros estão prestes a cruzar-se, com consequências que mudarão o mundo. Caos é um soldado das Crianças da Luz, e luta em nome do destino, hon …
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D.M. Cain: La Crónica de Chaos
En un mundo devastado por la guerra, los caminos de dos guerreros están a punto de cruzarse, y las consecuencias serán impredecibles. Chaos es un soldado de los Hijos de la Luz, y lucha en nombre del …
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D.M. Cain: El Proyecto Fénix
Con el aumento de la violencia y los ataques terroristas, el mundo desciende al caos. Indignados por la anarquía, los ciudadanos demandan un sistema penal más duro y nace el Proyecto Fénix. En prisio …
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D.M. Cain: The Sins of Silas
Poverty is rife on the streets of Belkeep. An ancient conflict with the Children of Light saps the country’s resources. Silas Wilder may have been born into the royal family, but he has no interest i …
D.M. Cain: The Light And Shadow Chronicles – Books 1-3
Books 1-3 in ‘The Light And Shadow Chronicles’, a series of fantasy novels by D.M. Cain, now available in one volume! A Chronicle Of Chaos : In a realm ravaged by war, two warriors of opposing factio …
D.M. Cain: The Phoenix Project
In a world that has descended into chaos, Raven Kennedy becomes a part of the Phoenix Project. Across the country, prison inmates fight to the death while the nation cheers them on. While strug …
D.M. Cain: Cronache del Caos
In un mondo consumato dalla guerra, il destino di due guerrieri sta per incrociarsi con conseguenze che cambieranno il mondo. Chaos è un soldato dei Figli della Luce e combatte nel nome del destino, …
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D.M. Cain: La Crónica de Chaos
En un mundo devastado por la guerra, los caminos de dos guerreros están a punto de cruzarse, y las consecuencias serán impredecibles. Chaos es un soldado de los Hijos de la Luz, y lucha en nombre del …
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D.M. Cain: El Proyecto Fénix
Con el aumento de la violencia y los ataques terroristas, el mundo desciende al caos. Indignados por la anarquía, los ciudadanos demandan un sistema penal más duro y nace el Proyecto Fénix. En prisio …
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D.M. Cain: The Light And Shadow Chronicles – Books 1-3
Books 1-3 in ‘The Light And Shadow Chronicles’, a series of fantasy novels by D.M. Cain, now available in one volume! A Chronicle Of Chaos : In a realm ravaged by war, two warriors of opposing factio …
D.M. Cain: The Sins of Silas
Poverty is rife on the streets of Belkeep. An ancient conflict with the Children of Light saps the country’s resources. Silas Wilder may have been born into the royal family, but he has no interest i …
D.M. Cain: Origin Of Shadow
The voice broke into his thoughts, everywhere and nowhere at once, deafening, yet somehow a whisper. ‘Are you ready to learn the truth?’ Heir to a notorious crime syndicate, sixteen-year-old Vincent …