When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, it was clear that it would impact all of our lives in important ways and we would have to drastically change the way we communicated with one another and did business. Would we fight back against the changes and wait for the ‘old normal’ to return, or adopt new technologies and adapt to the new way of doing things? Though the Zoom video conferencing platform was already being used by individuals and businesses around the world, the pandemic made its use a necessity, and those who embraced it and mastered it thrived while those who resisted it would find them- selves struggling to keep up.
When it comes to adapting to new circumstances, the question is, are you Zooming Ahead or being left behind?
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Dan Sullivan is founder and president of The Strategic Coach Inc. A visionary, an innovator, and a gifted conceptual thinker, Dan has over 40 years’ experience as a highly regarded speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach to entrepreneurial individuals and groups. Dan’s strong belief in and commitment to the power of the entrepreneur is evident in all areas of Strategic Coach® and its successful coaching program, which works to help entrepreneurs reach their full potential in both their business and personal lives.
He is author of over 30 publications, including The Great Crossover, The 21st Century Agent, Creative Destruction, and How The Best Get Better®. He is co-author of The Laws of Lifetime Growth and The Advisor Century.
Dan is married to Babs Smith, his partner in business and in life. They jointly own and operate The Strategic Coach Inc., with offices in Toronto, Chicago, and the U.K. New workshops are also being held in Los Angeles and Vancouver. Dan and Babs reside in Toronto.