A novel explanation of how EU member states overcome their divergent preferences to reach agreement on common foreign policies, with fourteen in-depth case studies covering diplomatic and security issues, enlargement, trade, development and environmental protection.
Mục lục
The Challenge of Making EU Foreign Policy; D.C.Thomas Explaining EU Foreign Policy: Normative Institutionalism and Alternative Approaches; D.C.Thomas CASE STUDIES EU Policy on Ukraine during and since the Orange Revolution: ‘A door neither closed nor open’; R.Youngs EU Policy on the International Criminal Court: Institutional Contexts and Policy Compromises; D.C.Thomas EU Policy on the Iraq War and its Aftermath: The Collapse and Revival of Consensus-Based Foreign Policy; J.Lewis EU Decision-making on Operation Artemis: Consensus Building in CSDP; S.Duke EU Membership Negotiations with Turkey: Entrapped Again; F.Schimmelfennig EU Policy on Economic Partnership Agreements: Trade… and Aid?; O.Elgstrom EU Policy on Global Climate Change: The Negotiation of Burden-Sharing; J.Vogler CONCLUSIONS Normative Institutionalism and EU Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective; F.Schimmelfennig & D.C.Thomas Norms and All That: Progress in EU Foreign Policy Research; T.Risse Interests, Power and the EU’s Role in International Security: A Skeptical Response to Normative Institutionalism; A.Menon Norms, Institutions and EU Foreign Policy: Advancing the Research Programme; M.E.Smith
Giới thiệu về tác giả
SIMON DUKE Professor at the European Institute for Public Administration, the Netherlands OLE ELGSTRÖM Professor of Political Science at Lund University, Sweden JEFFREY LEWIS Associate Professor of Political Science at Cleveland State University, USA ANAND MENON Professor of West European Politics at the University of Birmingham, UK THOMAS RISSE Professor of International Politics at the Free University of Berlin and co-director of the Research College ‘The Transformative Power of Europe, ‘Germany FRANK SCHIMMELFENNIG Professor of European Politics at ETH Zurich, Center for Comparative and International Studies, Switzerland MICHAEL E. SMITH Professor of International Relations at the University of Aberdeen, UK DANIEL C. THOMAS Associate Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations and Director of the Dublin European Institute at University College Dublin, Ireland JOHN VOGLER Professor of International Relations at Keele University and a member of the ESRC Centre for Climate Economics and Policy, UK RICHARD YOUNGS Associate Professor at the University of Warwick, UK, and Director of FRIDE in Madrid, Spain.