Daniel Rowles trabalha com marketing digital há quase 20 anos. É CEO da Target Internet e diretor-fundador do Digital Leadership. Ajudou organizações de todos os segmentos a usar o marketing digital de maneira eficaz, desde start-ups até clientes globais como BBC, Sony, Tesco, Vodafone, Mercedes, L”Oreal e Warner Bros.
Rowles é diretor de curso no The Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), instrutor certificado pelo Google Squared e palestrante no Imperial College e na Cranfield School of Management.
6 Ebooks bởi Daniel Rowles
Thomas Brown & Daniel Rowles: Building Digital Culture
WINNER: CMI Management Book of the Year Awards 2018 – Management Futures Category Building Digital Culture aims to answer a simple question: How can organizations succeed when the environment they op …
Daniel Rowles: Mobile Marketing
Mobile Marketing is a clear, practical guide to harnessing the mobile consumer and tackling the rising challenges of divided user attention across multiple screens at the same time. It demystifies th …
Ciaran Rogers & Daniel Rowles: Podcasting Marketing Strategy
Take advantage of the skyrocketing popularity of podcasts and learn how your business can use the unique opportunity to stand out and drive loyal engagement with target audiences, using this complete …
Daniel Rowles: Digital Branding
Every decision and action you make contributes to your brand, so it makes sense that everything you do digitally also contributes to your digital brand. Use this bestselling guide to strengthen your …
Daniel Rowles: Digital branding
Los avances tecnológicos y la globalización han obligado a las empresas a expandirse al mundo digital, las redes sociales se han convertido en los principales difusores de la imagen de las marcas, se …
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Daniel Rowles: Digital Branding: Estratégias, táticas e ferramentas para impulsionar o seu negócio na era digital
A popularização da internet viabilizou uma verdadeira revolução no marketing e na comunicação. No início, os recursos mais utilizados eram os sites, o e-mail e as ferramentas de busca; até que surgir …
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