The third digital-only ebook taster of Unequal health: The scandal of our times by Danny Dorling. Competitively priced, it gives a flavour of one of the major themes: health inequalities and contains three chapters from the book, preceded by an all-new introduction specially written by Danny Dorling. This ‘must-read’ will introduce an even wider readership to his work.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Danny Dorling is Professor for the Public Understanding of Social Science at the University of Sheffield. With a group of colleagues he helped create the website which shows who has most and least in the world. He has been a member of the World Health Organization’s Scientific Resource Group on Health Equity Analysis and Research, is a Patron of the charity Road Peace, an Academician of the Academy of the Learned Societies in the Social Sciences, and Honorary President of the Society of Cartographers.