People make judgments about others all the time, often without realizing they are doing so.
How are interpersonal impressions formed? How accurate are our perceptions of other people’s traits–and our own? In this major revision of his landmark work, David A. Kenny provides a reader-friendly examination of these and other critical questions, identifying key components that shape impressions and their accuracy. Topics include how to estimate perceiver, target, and relationship effects; the extent to which different perceivers see a target in the same way; the impact of group membership and stereotypes; and whether others see us as we see ourselves. Implications for interpersonal relationships and social behavior are highlighted.
New to This Edition
*Virtually a new book; incorporates 25 years of theoretical, empirical, and methodological advances.
*New and greatly expanded topics, including first impressions, individual differences in accuracy, implicit measures, and narcissism.
*Grounded in a reformulated conceptual model.
*More accessible–uses nontechnical language, humor, popular culture, and simplified figures to elucidate complex ideas.
*End-of-chapter ‘Practical Suggestions’ apply the science to real-world social situations.
Mục lục
1. The Atomic Structure of Interpersonal Perception
2. They All Look Alike
3. Perception at First Sight
4. The Content of Our Apparent Character
5. You Are Very Unique
6. Peeling Away the Onion
7. Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall
8. Putting Yourself in Someone Else’s Tevas
9. Good, Bad, and Ugly Judge, Target, and Pair
10. Finis
Appendix A. Details of the Social Relations Model
Appendix B. Details on the Reported Results
Appendix C. Details of the PERSON Model
Giới thiệu về tác giả
David A. Kenny, Ph D, is Emeritus Distinguished Board of Trustees and Alumni Professor at the University of Connecticut. He has published several books and over 200 articles and chapters, many of which are highly cited. He has received lifetime achievement awards from the International Association for Relationship Research, the Society of Experimental Social Psychology, the Society of Multivariate Experimental Psychology, and the American Psychological Association. He is a two-time recipient of the Theoretical Innovation Award and the inaugural recipient of the Methodological Innovation Award from the Society of Personality and Social Psychology. His website is