Art or Honor?
Some turn words into art with the poetry
they write.
Others write to honor our Creator with
words shining bright.
Start you day with a pithy, pious, pleasing, powerful, and provocative Christian message. There is one for each day of the year–a quick and insightful way to begin each day with an expository of Christ centered poems. May God truly bless you!
The 2021 Theological Calendar is an inspirational collection designed to 1) get people to know and grow closer to God, 2) create an awakening to Bible veracity, and 3) help people sense God’s Glory.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
David Cameron is a retired professor and chair of kinesiology. He has a doctorate in his field, has served as state president, and has been named Who’s Who among college professors.
He has written dozens of publications in his academic area as well as numerous proposals, reports, and other academic materials. He was a columnist for a local newspaper writing a weekly column entitled Fitness Figures. As a sometimes puzzle hobbyist, he has been published in several children’s magazines.
Since retirement he has sharpened his golfing skills and added poetry, golf zingers, politics, and many puzzlers including a tentative book entitled ‘Cad’s Bible Puzzles’ to his writing repertoire.