If you are in the process of re-examining old childhood beliefs and have realized there has to be a more excellent way, this book is for you. With this in mind, I invite you to Take Another Look at some of the most important tenants of fundamental Judeo-Christian dogma. We will explore these basic ideas from the cultural context in which they were experienced and written, as well as the influences of the translators. This will take us from a fear-based message to the Gospel, or good news, with a love-based premise.
In this day, there are several versions of the Bible. I suggest choosing the version which best suits your understanding of language. II Timothy 2:15 says: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. The study presented in this book is based on the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible, Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible, the guidance of the inner teacher – the Holy Spirit, and spiritual common sense. The result has challenged much of the second-handed information that has been passed down through Christian patriarchy. This scripture also mentions, rightly dividing the word of truth. To do this, we need to discern which scriptures are inspired by God and which scriptures contain man’s perceptions and hidden political and cultural agenda’s.
I ask that you listen to your own inner Christ intelligence which is able to lead you into all truth, rather than listening to the feeble attempts of men’s voices on the paths that seem right, who are only plunging us into the depths of unanswered questions, ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
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David Hulse, D.D.
Awakening the Body of Christ
Throughout his years of spiritual searching, David has challenged many traditional doctrines, theologies and dogmas. He has inspired numerous individuals toward a journey of self-discovery by sharing his own journey.
After receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit at 16 years old, David was challenged to look again at many of the beliefs taught to him during his fundamental literalist upbringing. David was shown by the Holy Spirit that God’s pure word was locked up in (inside) the parables for a generation to come who would not walk as their forefathers [Psalms 78], but who would speak these mysteries plainly of the Father. [John 16:25] Confronting the challenge of his childhood beliefs, David wrestled with the emptiness and loss, leaving him angry and anxious about his future ministry.
As David has traveled through various beliefs about God, Hell, Resurrection, Sin, Satan, Earth-bound Spirits and Law & Grace, he now sees himself as a bridge between the old and the new. Each has a contribution to make to the enrichment of the other. These booklets, which make up this book, were written during his transition. Since very little transitional material is available for those searching, this book as been released to fill that void.
Today David is dedicated to assisting the body of Christ to grow up in every way and into all things… to full maturity, building itself up in love. [Ephesians 4:15-16] His stirring presentations of intuitive wisdom will inspire and challenge you to move from believing in God to the experiential realm of knowing God and your co-creative role toward manifestation of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.