Comments and events from a cab driver out of Boston, Massachusetts, who worked for a company. Name: the Good Cab Company.
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My name is David Jenkins. I came from a small family out of Johns Island, South Carolina. I have six brothers and one sister whom I love very much. The Jenkins family is very large, some of them I have not even met yet, but hopefully one day I will. There is a lot of greatness in the Jenkins blood, but I am just one of them, but I am sure there are many more to come. My family is one of the most Christian family ever. Almost every one of us is given a biblical name from the Bible. First there was my dad, Jacob, who has a twin brother, Esau. There’s also Adams and then John, my three uncles that I never did get to see. Uncle Esau, his nickname was Cash. Uncle Adams, his nickname was Bunche. John, with no nickname. My dad, Jacob, with a nickname Bigman, and so on down the line, wow! And I am David. Surprise, surprise. But I am glad to be who I am, and I am glad to have brothers and a sister where there is love in the mix of us. So may God bless me, my family, their children, and their children to come, and the friends that are with us in their hearts, and hopefully there will be peace on earth one day, when our bloods will come together.