Working with parents is a significant aspect of educators’ roles, yet it is rare to find curriculum in teacher education programs designed to prepare individuals to consider, in philosophical, theoretical, and pedagogical ways, who they will be in relationship with parents and why. Schools, therefore, remain hierarchical structures in which parents are marginalized in relation to decisions affecting teaching and learning. This book begins with Pushor’s conceptualization of a “curriculum of parents, ” a curriculum which explores beliefs and assumptions about parents, a vision for education in which educators work alongside parents and family members in the learning and care of children, and a desire for reform. She describes a curriculum of parents, in the form of three graduate teacher education courses, which she lived out in relationship with students. Graduate students then capture their experiences immersed in this curriculum – what they each took up, how it shaped their knowledge, attitudes, and practices, and how they lived it out as they returned to their classrooms, schools, and early learning centres. This book is a storied account of their intense immersion in a curriculum of parents and the resulting impact living that curriculum has had on who they are in relation to parents and families. It is an honest and vulnerable account of their shared and individual journeys. They puzzle over the complexities and the successes of their work and the resulting impact. This is not a book of best practice, but an invitation to other educators to consider, as they did, what they do and how it could be different.
Mục lục
Preface; Acknowledgements; About the Sculpture; About the Artist; Foreword; Section 1 A Curriculum of Parents;1. Bringing into Being a Curriculum of Parents; 2. Planning and Living a Curriculum of Parents; 3. It is All Relational; 4. A Practicum Journey to Parent Engagement: Are ECE Students Ready for the Trip?; Section 2 Foundational Conceptualizations Underpinning; a Curriculum of Parents; 5. Welcoming from the Inside Out – Authentic Hospitality ; 6. Beyond the Classroom Walls; 7. Love is a Babe; 8. Parents: Taken for Granted in Rural Communities; Section 3 Stories of Experience: Kindergarten Teachers Living a New Story with Parents and Families; 9. Invite, Wonder, and Connect: Learning Lenses for Parent Engagement; 10. A Boy, His Snake, and Their Story: Building Authentic Relationships On and Off the School Landscape; 11. Rethinking Curriculum, Rethinking Practice; Section 4 Engaging with Parents and Families Off the School Landscape; Bringing Their Lives onto the School Landscape; 12. Challenging Hegemonic Notions of Family: Home Visits as Acts of Caring; 13. Seeing Families’ Lives, Hearing Families’ Stories: Transforming Beliefs and Practice through Photovoice; 14. Rethinking Practice: Families Representing Themselves; Section 5 Working Side by Side; 15. Looking Inward, Letting Go; 16. Stories of Families: A Journey to Parent Engagement; 17. Feeling it in Our Hearts; About the Contributors.