A young man plunges into student life, in flight from an overbearing father, in search of an identity of his own making. He is like everyone else in his quest for a future he cannot yet understand. His experiences, often comic, always innocently human, are an exploration of the concept of boundaries. But in choosing to study in Trieste, a city of many-layered histories and ethnicities, a city of brilliant sunshine and ferocious gales, he finds that life, and love, throw him more questions than answers.
It is a tale of Everyman, but more than that: in the hands of Diego Marani, author of the celebrated New Finnish Grammar, this wry and affecting novel leads the reader on a nostalgic and thought-provoking journey made wholly individual by its evocation of place – the celestial city of Trieste.
‘I did not think that one could weep for a city. But at that time I did not know that cities are women, one can fall in love with them and never forget them.’
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Graham Anderson was born in London. After reading French and Italian at Cambridge, he worked on the books pages of City Limits and reviewed fiction for The Independent and The Sunday Telegraph. As a translator, he has developed versions of French plays, both classic and contemporary, for the NT and the Gate Theatre, with performances both here and in the USA. Publications include The Figaro Plays (Beaumarchais) and A Flea in Her Ear (Feydeau). For Dedalus he has translated Sappho by Alphonse Daudet, Chasing the Dream and A Woman's Affair by Liane de Pougy, This was the Man (Lui) by Louise Colet and The Woman, This Man(Elle et Lui) by George Sand. His translations of Grazia Deledda's short story collections The Queen of Darkness and The Christmas Present and her novel Marianna Sirca were published by Dedalus in 2023. In 2024 he has translated The Celestial City by Diego Marani and The Ridiculolus Age by Margherita Giacobino for Dedalus.
His own short fiction has won or been short-listed for three literary prizes. He is married and lives in Oxfordshire.