Having successfully used yoga to combat the stress of their own busy lives, Dion and Stacey Betts discovered its potential for their son Joshua, who has Asperger Syndrome.
This fully-illustrated book combines the authors’ professional expertise with their experience of parenting, offering a range of gentle and fun yoga positions and breathing techniques that are effective in dealing with the increased levels of anxiety, disorientation and tactile sensitivity often found in children with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs).
The authors give step-by-step descriptions of warming-up, strengthening, calming, and tension-releasing exercises that are suitable for reducing coping mechanisms, such as hand-flapping, and increasing muscle tone, muscle strength and body awareness. They also offer a range of short and long sequences that can be tailored to fit the needs of the individual child.
Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders is ideal for parents and caregivers who want to use simple yoga techniques to help children with ASDs overcome some of the symptoms of the disorder.
Mục lục
Preface. A note on this book. Foreword by Louise Goldberg, Registered Yoga Teacher. Foreword by Joshua S. Betts. Introduction. 1: How to Use This Guide. Sequence of yoga poses. Modifications of poses and sessions. Demonstrate poses to your child. Ensure that your child is comfortable. A note on breathing. Motivating children with Autism Spectrum Disorders to practice yoga. 2: The Yoga Sequence for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Warm-up Poses. Sitting Pose. Cat Pose. Shoulder Opener Pose. Neck Rolls. Mountain Pose. Spinal Rolls. Chair Pose. Strengthening Poses. Triangle Pose. Side Angle Pose. Downward Dog Pose. Warrior I Pose. Warrior II Pose. Standing Forward Bend Pose (A and B). Tree Pose. Release of Tension Poses. Sphinx Pose. Boat Pose. Bridge Pose. Calming Poses. Sitting Forward Bend Pose. Spread Leg Forward Bend Pose. Head-to-Knee Pose. Butterfly Pose. Reclining Butterfly Pose. Seated Spinal Twist Pose. Easy Spinal Twist Pose. Child’s Pose. Corpse Pose. 3: Yogic Breathing. Ujjayi Breathing. Skull Shining Breath. Curled Tongue Breath. Lion Breath. Alternate Nostril Breathing. 4: Shorter Yoga Sequences. Short sequence 1. Short sequence 2. References.
Giới thiệu về tác giả
Stacey W. Betts is an attorney and assists families with children with disabilities. Dion E. Betts, Ed.D., is Assistant to the Superintendent for Instructional Support at South Western School District in Hanover, PA. Dion and Stacey are the authors of Yoga for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and Dion is co-author of Homespun Remedies: Strategies in the Home and Community for Children with Autism Spectrum and Other Disorders, both published by Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Stacey and Dion live in Lancaster, PA with their five children, one of whom has AS.